HOW TO ANSWER WASSCE ORAL ENGLISH TEST Part 1 . Introduction to the basics made easy.

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This video was made to assist final year students and all students trying to better their understanding of the oral English language test.
This is part 1 of the video and serves as an introduction to the oral test.
It discuses
1. The purpose of the oral test
2. The aspects of the oral test
3 . Summary of oral test
4. Test 1 to test 3 in detail
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#oralenglish #wassce #howtoanswerEnglishoraltest #missDadzie #learningenglish
This is part 1 of the video and serves as an introduction to the oral test.
It discuses
1. The purpose of the oral test
2. The aspects of the oral test
3 . Summary of oral test
4. Test 1 to test 3 in detail
Don’t forget to like and subscribe.
#oralenglish #wassce #howtoanswerEnglishoraltest #missDadzie #learningenglish