#1 Contract Costing - Concept - B.COM / CMA / CA INTER - By Saheb Academy

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In this video I have explained the concept and the whole structure of Contract Costing chapter of Cost Accounting.

Here we have discussed
1. Concept
2. Format of Contract A/c and its contents.
3. Old Syllabus vs New Syllabus
4. Contractee A/c
5. Balance Sheet Extract

00:00 - Intro
00:12 - Concept
04:38 - Format of Contract A/c
06:00 - Material
08:45 - Expenses
09:04 - Plant
13:24 - Sale of Plant / Material
16:17 - Abnormal Loss
18:16 - Material Returned to Store
19:35 - Work in Progress
23:13 - Profit / Loss
29:39 - Contractee A/c
31:25 - Balance Sheet Extract

#2 Contract Costing - Problem 1

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This is for the students of B.COM, BBA, CA INTER, CMA and any other accounting courses which has this chapter in its syllabus.

PDF Notes (Telegram)

Process Costing Playlist

Material Costing Playlist

Labour Costing Playlist

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#CostAccounting #BCOM #CAINTER
Рекомендации по теме

00:00 - Intro
00:12 - Concept
04:38 - Format of Contract A/c
06:00 - Material
08:45 - Expenses
09:04 - Plant
13:24 - Sale of Plant / Material
16:17 - Abnormal Loss
18:16 - Material Returned to Store
19:35 - Work in Progress
23:13 - Profit / Loss
29:39 - Contractee A/c
31:25 - Balance Sheet Extract


Honestly, you teach better than my cost teacher at University. Your explanations and teaching style and especially your notes, I note them down, it helps me later im revision, you clarify everything. Thank you ❤️


The best part of your teaching is you keep point of view of construction and explain it from that pov . We can imagine the construction going around, looks familiar and its so easy to understand. But whereas in our institution we don't feel that, they just move from top to top . Great video . Thanks sir


One of the finest teaching ever seen in my life 🙂


Frankly speaking 😀 I haven't seen any teacher, who taught so well like uu even in English language so efficiently, i wish i would have found uu earlier but that is ok too 😄


From past three sem..I am doing my preperation from your channel..the way you explain all concept..is so good...if every student get teacher like u..then I don't think.they will feel bored while doing studies..


CA Inter students who are writing exam in may 22, Need not to split the profit right? You're one of the best faculties I've ever seen my life! The best CMA Coporate account lecturer, The way you teach is


You can be the lecturer of our university no doubt! Brilliant teaching


I saw your videos last year as well but I didn't click on them bcuz I thought u knw some other popular academy's videos are also there so they are better than you and etc. but today finally you teach a lot lot better than the teachers I've studies under either offline or online srsly I regret not watching your videos before considering it was uploaded three years ago.... I first saw the playlist some videos are membership only content and I was shocked why is he not giving in free but now i understand you give such quality content THANK YOU SO MUCH this is so easy or more like you made it easy


Thank you so much Sir. I will now definitely understand this topic only because of this video as your teaching technique is very simple and I can understand the topics very quickly and easily which is only possible because of you sir. Thank you once again Sir. Please do make videos on other chapters of cost accounting


Thankyou so much for explaining the concepts, the way you explain things is just on another level! I'm surely gonna recommend this channel to one of my friend...once again thank you !


U really teach amazing sir ....for me tax was a boring subject due to my teacher n not only this subject I like to watch law n accounting lecture to clear my topics.... thanks a lot sir🙏


i really appreciate your work done to present this to all of us
really great, good job
keep on


Amazing👏🏻Commendable👍🏻Thanks alot for such an easy explanation of the topic, really really grateful to u🙏🏻So minutely u explained each & every concept, highly recommended channel✌🏻God bless u🙇🏻‍♀️


Proper duration, conceptual clarity= saheb academy 🔥💥


Please do make more videos on cost accounting chapters Sir


I felt happy after reading all the comments on u . I think u too have felt the same. Great lecturer 🫡


Very happy to see your lectures on cost accounting


Your Teaching is awsome u explain every points in detail and also with examples Thank u soo much


Very very thank you so much Sir.

Actually after completing investment accounting chapter I started to studying contact costing but some of the tropics I couldn't get understand & I thought to ask you but already I asked you to do video on redemption of debrntures & again I can't ask now so when I saw morning a notification came from your channel about a video on contract costing & I became
