Who was the Most Powerful Norse Being? (Norse Mythology) | Mythical Madness

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Ok the folding sky pocket boat is the greatest thing ive ever heard


Not an elf smith but A dwarf smith made all those beautiful gifts for the gods.


Loki be trolling anyone, and the one started the hair shaving prank.


The claim that Volund is the most powerful being in the Norse Mythos is equivalent to calling Oppenheimer, the most powerful man in history because he invented the nuclear bomb. It's a ridiculous notion


I thought Thor's hammer freya's boat and that golden hair were forge by the dwarf brothers.


I heard Magni, son of Thor, was physically the most powerful being in his entire pantheon. He was known as the “God of Strength”.


The worker is always underappreciated.


Not the most powerful but the most inventive. Gods uses his weapon in their full potential, which the blacksmith can't do.


There are a few people in this comment section saying “They were made by dwarves, not elves!” But I believe the dwarves were also referred to as the Svartalfar which means “black elf” so he would be correct in calling them elves.


I suppose in terms of being, influential, important, and dynamic he was powerful — but in terms of actual power it would most definitely go to Hel as she was stated to be even more powerful than Odin, either that or Surtr who defeated Hel just out of being a massive fiery calamity and we all know that fire is Super-Effective against the dead.

But, if you really want to get technical you could, in theory, suggest that one of the strongest if not the strongest Norse gods are among those of whom survived Ragnarok — being the following:

Aegir, Vidar, Vali, Hoenir, Vili, Magni, Modi, Hermóðr, Forseti and Ullr.

Most of the goddesses, however, will survive: Frigg, Freya, Sif, Thrud, Idun, Saga, Eir, Gefjun, Fulla, Sjofn, Lofn, Var, Vor, Syn and Hlin.

Vidar or Freya probably ranking at the top of that list with a close second being Frigg. I feel like Freya would beat Frigg in battle though as Frigg has no combat related “domains” or a means of protecting against Freya’s unique magic — well, now that I think about it in that regard, Freya might be at the top just because she possesses magic and is already a goddess of battle.

So, I’d say Freya if Odin isn’t in the picture.


I'd say nidhoggr. A dragon who sucks the blood of the wicked and is so large that he gnaws on the roots of the worldtree. He is a literal threat to existence itself. His wings are fused with the corpses of sinners and no one even tries to defeat him.


I know that dark elves are probably the same thing as dwarves, but calling him an elf is a bit misleading as people might think they are light elves
Edit: Also isn't it Brokk and Sindri who made the spear


being super important and most powerful are quite different...


I wish my girlfriend called me her “meat of inspiration” 😢


I don't really agree with this logic. If you say Ivaldi is the strongest because he made the strongest items, then couldn't you say Odin (plus others) are the strongest because they slayed Ymir and created entire realms with his body. You can't make super powerful weapons if there's no worlds to make them in.
Ultimately, power ranking ancient mythology is kind of redundant. It's not like Vikings drew power charts for their deities.


Loki after doing that
Loki : it's just a prank


So basically this guy must have been the most powerful because nobody else would be powerful at all if it weren't for him making the items to start with...


As a german, hearing the word Tarnkappi is very funny and intersting at the same time.
Tarnkappi sounds almost like Tarnkappe, wich translates to invisibilityhat in english.
Here you can see how similar the old Germanic languages are, to each other and to the modern Germanic languages.


Kratos: Let's move, boi.
Mimir: Brother! BROTHER!
Mimir: This isn't who you wanna be!


This doesn't mean the smith was The Most Powerful Being in Nordic Mythos. He could create powerful artifacts and weapons but could he fight Odin one-on-one?
EDIT: The 1v1 doesn't include artifacts or weapons. I'm putting the Odin vs Smith with just raw power and durability hand-to-hand or whatever powers they each possess.
