БЕЛОЕ МОРЕ. О чём молчат рыбы 86 White Sea. Weißes Meer.
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Среди морей, омывающих Россию, Белое море — одно из самых маленьких (меньше — только Азовское море). Площадь его поверхности 90 тыс. км². В Белом море обитает 68 видов рыб.
The White Sea is a southern inlet of the Barents Sea located on the northwest coast of Russia. It is surrounded by Karelia to the west, the Kola Peninsula to the north, and the Kanin Peninsula to the northeast. Among the seas that wash over Russia, the White sea is one of the smallest (only the Azov sea is smaller). Its surface area is 90 thousand km2. The White sea is home to 68 species of fish. Unter den Meeren, die Russland waschen, ist das Weiße Meer eines der kleinsten (das Asowsche Meer ist kleiner). Seine Fläche beträgt 90 tausend km2. Im Weißen Meer Leben 68 Fischarten.
The White Sea is a southern inlet of the Barents Sea located on the northwest coast of Russia. It is surrounded by Karelia to the west, the Kola Peninsula to the north, and the Kanin Peninsula to the northeast. Among the seas that wash over Russia, the White sea is one of the smallest (only the Azov sea is smaller). Its surface area is 90 thousand km2. The White sea is home to 68 species of fish. Unter den Meeren, die Russland waschen, ist das Weiße Meer eines der kleinsten (das Asowsche Meer ist kleiner). Seine Fläche beträgt 90 tausend km2. Im Weißen Meer Leben 68 Fischarten.
БЕЛОЕ МОРЕ. О чём молчат рыбы 86 White Sea. Weißes Meer.
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