Q & A with Amir Tsarfati and Barry Stagner

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Join Amir Tsarfati and Pastor Barry Stagner for a LIVE Q & A.

How will people explain our disappearance from the earth during the rapture? (6:25)

I’m saved, but I still sin “all the time.” Will I still go in the Rapture? (10:40)

Can you explain Revelation 13:7? Isn’t the church “saints?” It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. (19:05)

Do you think the Antichrist will confirm a covenant “with the many” before or after the Rapture? (26:45)

Will we be taken in the Rapture straight to the Bema Seat? (28:30)

What does the phrase “Many are called but few are chosen” mean? (39:35)

Does Amir believe the 5 points of Calvinism? (42:35)

Can you explain what Reformed Theology is? What are its tendencies regarding Israel and the rapture? (44:00)

Is it possible that Michael is the Restrainer? (50:25)

What words can you offer for encouragement during these evil days? (56:30)
Рекомендации по теме

I was hooked on netflix
And depressed so I would just watch movies
And I believe in God but my faith was weak
But I still would ask God to help me
Soon I stop watching movies and listening to teaching and I finished reading acts now im in Roman's
Praise God!


I am filled with excitement! My wife gets upset with me because I appear to not care. It hurts me deeply to see what has been happening to my country and the world. I cannot understand how people can be so blind. I think it is because everything seems so obvious to me as a believer. I see it all written in the Bible.
I do believe we are here to enjoy our life.
I agree with everything you said because I believe it is Biblical. I praise the Lord for opening my eyes. Found my first Bible last night! I received it March 2, 1969. I remember the day! Didn't remember the date. It has no cover but otherwise intact. It has notes and verses underlined. I also praise the Lord for writing His Word on my heart.
So neat to see Amir sitting in Dubai! Praise the Lord!


Isaiah 5: 20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!


I’m so excited for the coming of the Lord!!! God bless you all.


Thank you Father God for your protection upon Amir


Amen! I am not of this world! I'm ready to go! Shalom from North Carolina, US.


Jesus bless you all! See you in the clouds soon!


Couldn't believe my ears that you are in Dubai!! Praise God! This is the result of President Tramp's hard struggles . Today, History is writing a New Chapter . God Bless you and protect you!


SHALOM, MARANATHA & ALOHA from Oahu, Hawaii. I’ll be so glad when we will finally BE HOME with our precious, wonderful LORD JESUS. Can you even imagine the expression on our faces when we see JESUS? One minute here and the next ‘snatched away’ and in the present of the GLORIOUS ONE. See you at the CLOUD PARTY.


Yes, the Holy Spirit has been telling me to rest in Him. He is teaching me to experience rest and peace in Him. I never thought I could experience it because of all my anxiety BUT GOD has taught me how. Thank you God! 🙏🏽💜


So goes the US, so goes Canada. We need your prayers. God bless one and all.


Christians all over the world should be Gushing about Jesus Christ. How soon is it that we meet our Groom. Our Father. ""Dont let any man steal your crown". Jesus is our Armor


God bless you! Thank you for this much needed word of encouragement, as a believer I have struggled with the worlds growing acceptance of sin and wickedness all around us. But I am reminded of where my joy and peace is, thank you for this fellowship🙏🏼


Thank you all so very much for your service to the Lord!! I have learned so much and can’t wait for all of us to meet the Lord in the air!


Such an encouraging Q & A!! This world has definitely lost it's shine. Longing for our real home... ☝️🙏
God bless you, Pastors!!


These are truly dire times. We need to be drawing closer to one another, as Gods Children and, together, drawing closer to Jesus Christ our SAVIOR. It is all the more important for HIS CHURCH to be United Spiritually and physically. Blessings from this American Watchman living in China. Thanks so much for what you all do...in Jesus Holy Name.


Very thankful for Brother Amir, Pastor Barry Stagner and Brother Mike Golay -- you are very encouraging to the church of Christ all over the world. May God continue to encourage and spur you all in the Holy Spirit and fill your cup to overflowing in Christ Jesus! The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with His people ... Shalom!


I agree with Barry about being a back-slidden Christian. When I turned away from Christ and committed lots of sinful activities I was miserable in my spirit. I'm so thankful God protected me during that terrible time and now I'm the returned Prodigal daughter. I've got a deeper understanding of who God is and my Trust is in The Lord.


I love Mike Golay!! He's such a child like faith brother. When Amir was talking about the scorching of the sun, Mike's chimes in "Oh Horrible "


Amen from Chicagoland ❤🇺🇸🇮🇱. I love the q&a meetings!
