Controls system demo on high speed fiber optic line

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Dan Sexton, a project manager at GE Global Research in Niskayuna, NY, runs a demo of a one of the world’s fastest, high-speed fiber optic lines. The line was installed at GE Global Research to support the company’s Industrial Internet initiative. As a founding member of the Industrial Internet Consortium, GE software scientists and developers created an industry test bed that will transfer data at 100 gigabits per second to support seamless machine-2-machine communications and data transfer across connected control systems, big infrastructure products and manufacturing plants.

The demo showcases a controls system that is able to simultaneously control two pendulums -- one in New York and one in California.

The demonstrations was a part of the Industrial Internet Consortium’s Summer Conference at GE’s Global Research Center in Niskyauna, N.Y., on Thursday, July 16.

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