As Much Hate As Edgar Ross Gets He’s Right About This - Red Dead Redemption

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I mean he’s got a point really, John did a lot of bad things and sometimes to innocent people because of Dutch. He knew right from wrong and still chose to follow a crazy person and Murderer. He had it coming.
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He's right about John but the difference between them is that John knows he's been a terrible person and is genuinely trying to improve (being a family man, doing honest work), while Ross's cynicism and distrust of John holds him back from being the "good cop" he pretends to be. Him being right is more "the worst person you know just made a great point" then anything else, although he technically isn't the worst person in the game by a mile.


Ross makes a fine point here, but his actions prove he's just as bad a man as John or Dutch, which is John's point I think. John never kidnapped anyone's children and extorted his enemies. He didn't even seek revenge on Ross for the act. Ross killed John pretty much for the same reason he shot Dutch's body, to make it look good on his report. Ross is just a version of Dutch that the US government could use.


Ross was right that John had to do something to make amends but he still murdered John in cold blood. John did everything Ross asked of him and he still got killed. That's why Jack killing Ross is the most satisfying death in either game.


Actions have consequences, yet he still guns down Marston. Ross didn't realize that action had a consequence, which led to Jack killing him in the end.


Two kinds of people laugh at the law; those who break it, and those who make it.

--Terry Pratchett


Not only Ross killed John in cold blood but he basically tried to kill his family too. He didn't send that whole army just to kill John. He is just as bad as he was


Imagine if we could drive Cars as Jack in the Epilogue


That's what I loved the most about RDR in a whole. The story has more than one prespective. Each group of people is totally right about what they do whether as a commitment or lifestyle because after all it touches reason.


Part of what I love about RDR1 is how the honor system impacts the ending. Even though the ending itself doesn’t change, playing John with low honor makes Ross a lot more justified in coming to his ranch to kill him, but if you play a high honor John who doesn’t go around killing random people it does come across much more as a betrayal.


Ross would've had a point if he didn't stab John in the back


I believe Ross only killed John because he wanted himself to look impressive. He knew that John was no longer an outlaw and was trying to improve himself and his life. But after John had taken the remaining gang members down. Ross decided to end John as well, because if he did, he would’ve been named as “The man who took down the Van Der Linde Gang.” He probably even took credit for the kills that John did. Ross complains about how John always shot people like rabid dogs, but then proceeds to do the same.


Some people just need an excuse to justify their violent actions. Ross likes to pretend that what he's doing is noble and makes him a better man but he, just like the people he hunts, murdered his targets in cold blood and put innocents in harms way. It might help him sleep at night that what he did was for a cause but deep down like him know that they just need a reason to lash out.


Ross is the type of person I feel had all great points until he broke them all by killing John and possibly his whole family in the crossfire.


This game needs to come to pc (officially, not emulation) or/and remastered.


People seem to forget that you wouldn't wanna be anyone's friend in any Rockstar game, protagonists or antagonists. They're all crazy, just in different ways.


Let's be honest if John hadn't gotten Jack and Abigail out of the ranch in time then Ross would have killed them both as well along with John.


I think agent Ross would be an actual good man if it wasn't for the part of being so selfish, rude and killing John in the end by result of his personality. Offering redemption to a former outlaw who's just trying to live a new life with his family in exchange of Bill, Javier and Dutch is a great deal. When I first played the game I already knew in the end Ross would kill John but I was seeing that Ross had a lot of good points but he was unnecessarily rude and arrogant


Ross knew that John was the only one capable of tracking down his former gang members. If only he kept his promise of leaving his family alone, he might still be alive. Because Jack remembered everything he and Milton put the gang through, and he wanted revenge for all of it.


Ross:"Your a murderer"
Also Ross : *Has John gunned down by him and his men after using him*


Two wrongs don't make a right. They're both bad men if you wanna be technical about it, one's just educated.
EDIT: Oh, and Ross is just a flat-out liar in most circumstances. Planned to kill John from the very start, yet he said at the end of this clip that John would be able to start a new life.
