Multiplexing on Mouse tissue using Cell Signaling Technology Antibodies and OPAL IHC

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The determination of target specificity in immunohistochemical analysis requires multiple validation steps. Traditionally, multiplexed immunohistochemistry has been limited to 3 or 4 markers, and cross-reactivity of antibodies can be problematic. Working with murine tissue can present its own set of unique challenges.

This webinar recording covers the variety of techniques used at Cell Signaling Technology (CST) to facilitate antibody validation for both single and multiplex applications, the importance of species-specific validation in immunohistochemistry and the advantages of using rabbit monoclonal antibodies with mouse tissues. We also discuss the advances in multiplex IHC using Opal™ and rabbit primary antibodies developed by CST to reliably stain for 6 markers in a mouse model of breast cancer and how the Akoya Biosciences® Phenoptics™ platform can provide quantitative analysis of tumor biology in context.

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You are speaking about paraffin sections, can also be used it in cryoconserved sections?


I searched horseradish and found *this*
