Problem 7 turning moment diagram and flywheel for 3 cylinders single acting engine
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A three cylinder single acting engine has its cranks set equally at 120°and it runs at 600 rpm. The torque crank angle diagram for each cycle is a triangle for power stroke with a maximum torque of 90 N-mat 60°from dead centre of corresponding crank. The torque on the return stroke is sensibly zero. Determine
1. Power developed
2. Coefficient of fluctuation of speed if the mass of flywheel is 12 kg and has radius of gyration of 80 mm
3. Coefficient of fluctuation of energy
4. Maximum angular acceleration of flywheel
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1. Power developed
2. Coefficient of fluctuation of speed if the mass of flywheel is 12 kg and has radius of gyration of 80 mm
3. Coefficient of fluctuation of energy
4. Maximum angular acceleration of flywheel
Please refer my following Playlists , Links are given:
1. Theory of Machines or Kinematics of Machines play list
2. Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines playlist
3. Refrigeration and air conditioning playlist
4. Renewable Energy engineering or Non-convensional energy sources play list
5. Dynamics of Machinery play list
6. Engineering graphics or Engineering drawing play list
7. Engineering Mechanics Playlist
8. Power plant engineering play list
9. Engineering Thermodynamics play list
10. Heat and mass transfer play list
11. Operation research play list
12. Strength of material playlist
Problem 7 turning moment diagram and flywheel for 3 cylinders single acting engine
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