What if Earth started Driving? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

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What if Earth started Driving?
Firstly, if Earth started Driving, even other planets may drive off, Sun may get very very lonely.
Secondly, if Earth started Driving, Earth may drive at a very high speed, we may keep on bouncing here and there.
Thirdly, if Earth started Driving, moon may not be able to keep up pace with Earth, it may start revolving around another planet.
Fourthly, if Earth started Driving, Earth has never driven before, it may keep on crashing into other planets.
Fifthly, if Earth started Driving, Earth may use a lot of gas for traveling, there may not be much gas left for us.
Lastly, if Earth started Driving, Earth might lose its way while driving, we may be left in the dark for a long long time.
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