What gaming trends tell us about FUTURE PC Hardware

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Chart sources: Unity/Epic Yearly Report, Game Developers interviews and surveys.

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I assume hardware sales are down because all of the new gpu's are a rip off.


Nvidia doesn't care anymore about the PC DIY hardware for gamers/private consumers (doesn't prioritize this market) that's why they don't care about the prices.
They have GeForce Now, they have AI Foundations, they have Picasso, they have H100... whole new markets where the big money is (and will) coming from.


Seeing what UE5 can do, and how easy it is to use, I'm pretty sure at least graphically games will improve a lot the coming years. And most PC gamers I know hate "gaming as a service", and mobile games. Indie games are nice from time to time, but they won't replace the rest of the PC gaming market.


We need a new «but can it run Crysis?» moment/game soon.


that's the problem that Nvidia and AMD have. They (Nvidia in particular) are pushing for the highest margins they can possibly have making gpus extremely expensive, which in itself could look like a good move for them, if their idea is that selling a lot less cards for much higher prices is a win in terms of costs. But developers are the other part of the equation, and if a huge amount of gamers can't or don't want to upgrade because graphics cards are ridiculously expensive with small performance gains, devs certainly aren't going to target the tiny minority of those with a 4090 pushing graphics to new limits. And if new games are made to be played to old hardware, without any exciting new stuff in terms of visuals, at a certain point no one will see the reason to upgrade, even a lot of mindless consum.... enthusiasts. And then Nvidia will probably be forced to make more affordable gpus, at least to a certain degree.


The current price hike on gpu hardware doesn't help pc's. Also I think Nvidia painted themselves in a corner trying to push accelerators on the rtx series as companies like Epic and Unity are working on making more diverse systems of ray/path tracing to work on current consoles. I feel AMD is racing ahead as they are working with these companies directly to optimize their hardware to work with engines vs trying to force engines to work hardware only available on one GPU provider, and not all gamers have.


Well we can expect future GPU generations to represent even lower jump in performance for even higher price. R&D costs won't drop but number of people willing to upgrade will.


Best "reality check" video in a while... Benchmarks only matter to an ever slimming slice of consumers. Glad someone admitted it finally


People would upgrade if the prices made sense but that's the large reason why many people aren't upgrading


7:25 - local streaming from PC to TV with things like Steam Link probably is helping PCs more than I would've thought before!


There's also a paradigm shift in how you utilise the hardware that requires devs to rewrite their engines.
All the nitty gritty of DX12U.
Seems there's a lot of power being left by the roadside.
I forget what the exact names of the features are though.
But it's the first really big shift since universal shaders that came along during the PS3/X360 era.


"Gamers" don't really need to be bothered by the trends of horrible monitization in "games", just ask yourself this, would a company that would ruin any experience they make by adding skinner/loot/Schrodinger's boxes that cost extra cash actually be able to make something worth spending your time on today with the extreme amount of options there are now? I just don't think so, there are just too many games to choose from now, my personal backlog after the year of Elden Ring is also kind of an issue. ie. I don't consider casino/loot-box etc. "games" games in the same way I look at Monkey Island, Elden Ring and Psychonauts etc.


Consoles have always been the primary target base for game devs. You don't need state-of-the-art hardware when the minimum requirements have to meet to the largest majority of gamers.


Very strong points. I do still think that within the PC enthusiast niche of buyers, there exists the long-term investment approach/philosophy (i.e. "future-proofing). I believe this approach will always hold water as it pertains to staying ahead of the rendering technology curve, even amongst the lesser demanding titles which may fall into the "cross-platform" category. "Cross-platform" or "console-first" games in 2023 are visually more advanced/demanding (generally speaking) than they were 5 years ago.


I expected it 13 years ago, and this is one of the major reasons that I abandoned NVIDIA completely after purchasing the GTX 200(285) card. Nvidia deserves crushed heavily before splitting into small companies.


Jensen: pfft chatGPT supplies my jackets now. Let the peasants eat Intel igpu


I'm wondering if cause and effect could be the exact opposite: crazy gpu prices and availability driving pc gamers towards indie games that tend to have way lower requirements.


The latest retro wave among indie developers in addition to new tools will also likely steer more people from the bleeding edge of computer graphics. People are starting to catch on more and more that things like high poly photorealism is often overrated and unnecessary in realizing creative visions especially when the hardware requirements are becoming so unsustainable. Either way, it seems like people just don't care about parts like top end GPU's nowadays like they did in the past.


Very good video. Between corporations and bad consumers, pay to win is destroying gaming. Indies are the only viable solution to pay to win, bad games and politics in games. The good thing is that game development is becoming easier and cheaper, with UE5, with all the tools improving, with AI in the future....corpos know this probably they are capitalizing all they can now, and the investors will go away from videogames once this is over and any random dude can make an entire game sitting at home.


Dear Lord, it's not that hard... Our playgroup each got our Trump Bucks and bought 3090s. We got our Biden Bucks and got Steam Decks. No more handouts, no new gen GPU for our playgroup.
