How effective is Adaptation? | Warframe

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Unlocked in the later stages of Warframe, Adaptation (earned from Arbitrations) is a powerful defensive mod. But let's clear something up - it's NOT a 90% damage resistance mod. Most of the time it's far far weaker than that. Let me show you how much and why.

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This is a perrfect example why we need to see the damage ratios of enemies in the codex and maybe scanner.


PSA: if your damage mitigation comes from evasion (Xaku, Titania) adaptation is near useless.


The different damage spread on enemy variants may be due to enemies using different weapons according to their variant, for instance, most grineer lancers use the Hind, but Drekar lancers seem to be using the Harpak, so a way to geta bearing on what damage type a certain enemy will do, you could check what weapon they use and see its damage spread from there


We need a video on shock absorbers and how it interacts with adaption.


General rule of thumb I use is adaptation + (umbral/archon/normal) vitality is generally gonna be really good for survivability. It’s not 100% foolproof on its own without any other healing or damage mitigation but it is really solid


Thanks for another explanation video, that makes "Learning Warframe" actually fun and comprehensible! :3 And happy Valentines Day! <3


I've been using adaptation mod for some time, but eventually switched to rolling guard. I basically can't live without it now.


5:56 I know it doesn’t explain all of them but for the Elite Lancers, if I recall, Drekars use the Harpak which has different stats to Hind.


Shortly: if you want maximum damage resistance you need to DIVE into a big group of different enemies while you have greater regen of shields or health. Either way you will die or you will become stronger.
Or you can flop something in your warframe that grants you damage resistance in general + adaptation and become a tank


you're one of very very few youtubers i put a like on videos before actually seeing it ! awesome content.


You're my fave WF YTer now and the only one I sub to.


If I had one slot on my warframe left and had to choose adaptation or rolling guard I’d pick the latter. Both are good but rolling guard is more consistent


A somewhat important downside to Adaptation is that the weakness to low RoF-high damage attacks can be encountered because of other frames.

Example 1, a Nova in your party will make everything so slow that it will not hit you, and the one eximus that rocks up to you will be a problem.

Example 2, Titania can give you evasion buffs. If the enemy numbers are low enough or you are decent at dodging fire through movement, you could well end loosing stacks.

Mind you, this is usually an issue only because of eximus units, the rest of the time a CC lockdown will mean no damage to you anyway.


It really boils down to min-maxing your frames. Any that have a lot of health and armor you should use adaptation. And frame that that forgoes defense in favor of offense use rolling guard and something to reset shields.


Adaptation feels like a neat mod, but that close to always fails to work correctly in my gameplay experience, since taking weak hits from enemies to stack it up to survive the heavy hitters happens rarely, most squads run a ton of cc or simply nuke the fodder. So that the few heavy troopers or the eximus that hang on a little longer damage your squad unmitigated, downing unstacked mates or the arson burn, toxin cloud takes them out since elementals are rare damage types on the small fry.


Inaros with Adaptation, fully ranked Umbra mods to increase armor, ability strength, and health, a full Scarab Armor with the mod to negate status effects with it active, and Sevagoth’s Gloom ability lets you easily tank any swarm of enemies


Kullervo with overshields up protecting the health so when the actual health is touched you’re 90% on every damage type (usually) and that’s if you lose your energy economy. Pair with rolling guard and you’ll be invincible from rolling, casting 3 (over guard ability) and by the time you’re getting hurt you’re buffed to survive it. Add in the already sky high armor and hp. It’s like Inaros and Rhino had a baby


I was wondering about this mod, I have it. I can't believe how u made a 10+ video of just one mod. That's amazing. Still a little confused. MR10, so I'm just starting out


What a great job you do keep up the GREAT work you sir


as someone cursed and abused by RNGesus for a long time i can say i very much notice when some of my build s are not supported by adaptation.
shield-gating may be the current fad but out of preservation of my own sanity and a general dislike of adhering purely to the one build to rule them all having frapes i can pick and choose just based on tank type (if any) as much as mission or opponent advantages is rather nice.
