COPD Overview and Definitions

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Next in The Calgary Guide Video Series: an overview of the diseases that encompass Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), including emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

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Note that our content are not "presentation slides", but rather, textbook replacements. For optimal viewing experience, view Calgary Guide flow charts on a big screen, such as a desktop computer, instead of a handheld device. Our content uses terminology at the level of first year university biology. Please comment below if you’d like clarification on any of the wording or have any feedback for us.

The standard disclaimer for this and all my medical videos: this video is not medical advice. If you are looking for medical advice, please see your personal physician.
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My mother died of COPD at 81. Looked after her her last two years of life. Greatest and hardest experience of my life.

The greatest was i moved into her home. Worked for the first year, then went on stress leave for 8 months. She was so happy i was in here life. We always had a good loving relationship, but it turned incredible.

She was always my mother and many ways my father since an early divorce. You would think that enough, right? Yet everything grew, she was very happý even with her end stage copd, I would like to think because we had gotten so close. She loved being loved at her end of life, she and I became best friends and finally our roles reversed, she became my little girl. Always grateful and appreciative. She didn't want to die, not that she was overly scared of death, but because of her care, she felt loved. I made sure she never felt a burden, and the few times she did say she was, I would always say i have never i loved her more and none of what was happening was a burden to me. That in fact i never felt more important from anything or to anyone in my life. I lost my selfishness.

The hard ... was knowing someone you loved so very very much was dying. She wanted to die in her home, but unfortunately her last month was in the hospital. I was alone, none to little outside support. Seeing here last breath, the chest stop moving and jaw move as she died has resulted is some ptsd.

I would not trade this experience with her for anything. Well only change some mistakes to have her alive and happy for a longer time.

6 years ago in march, I cried when alone for 2 or 3 years. Then gradually the sadness lessened and the smiles returned with warm and caring memories. And i learned, nobody loved me more in life. No girlfriend, no wife, I have no children, no sibling, nobody. I was very blessed.
