A look you can give someone who asks personal questions

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They don't deserve to get an answer, and you don't need an explanation! People are way too nosy, and here are some tips and advice on how to deal with these "nosy Nellies" without ruining the friendship and making the conversation even more awkward.

Marie Dubuque is a life coach who loves to offer advice about everything from dating dilemmas and awkward social situations to drama- filled friendships and romantic relationships going south!
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I just ask "Why do you need to know that?" It usually shuts them up.


It is very difficult to change the subject. They ask to gain information and then mock your personal decisions. People cross boundaries easily.


People nowadays also take photographs of you without asking you before. I hate that.


I had to do this to a dental assistant because she kept asking me them same questions after I answered her the first time I finally had to tell her "I'm here about my teeth not my personal business no offense" she had the nerve to say "WOW" then she walked off and came back to proceed working on my teeth as she did that she said "Are you just shy or just rude?" After that I got up out of the chair give her a piece of my mind then left


I just had to share this story. . . Many years ago I bought a pregnancy test at a Walmart. When I got to the cashier, the woman asked me, "What do you want it to be?". I said, "Excuse me?" not knowing what she was referring to. She pointed to the test and said, "That. What do you want it be, yes or no?" She was literally asked if I wanted the pregnancy test I was buying to be positive or negative! I couldn't believe it. I would NEVER in a million years even ACKNOWLEDGE a personal item like that, if worked at a store. What does she ask people buying condoms? "Who are you using those with?"


I feel like people at my work love sharing personal life. It makes me feel out of the loop, but I would prefer to remain professional in the workplace. Always change the subject. I would recommend the "I don't feel comfortable talking about that". You have a right to privacy.


It depends, a random coworker asked me where was I for 2 days.

Just say, I was off, on Vacation or Sick.

If they continue asking about it and want more detail about it, just “laugh and wave bye” or don’t say anything back.

You don’t even have to say anything, because the coworker isn’t your boss.

They are in the wrong, when they ask personally questions or questions that isn’t relevant to your job.

Just ignore and put on earbuds and make yourself look busy.


Excellent video Marie! When you said that reality TV is the reason why so many people want to know everything about everybody, I hollered because you were speaking nothing but the truth! People go to far sometimes! They demand personal information from you so that they could have ammunition to gossip about you. The problem is that people don't know how to respect each other's privacy. They expect everybody to be an open book and not everybody's like that. Some are more open and some are private. I swear, people would do whatever it takes just to find out personal information about somebody, even if it means spying on somebody or looking through one's things without their permission!


Can I just say that The world needs more people like you and I am amazed by how kind it is of you to take time out of your day to do this 💖💖💖


Your videos are addictive, so simple but effective.


That's right Marie. People are very pushy where I live. They want to know all about my family connections and lineage so that they can draw conclusions about who they think I am based upon my family background. They also like to ask very pointed questions. Asking about something that is an insult wrapped in a question. I figure if they are so bold as to ask me this, I will be bold back. I have literally said "you know I really don't like a lot of questions, I'm a very private person honey". Said with a smile and a bit of a chuckle has stopped them in their tracks every single time. People like this who are pushy and who I can tell are just pumping me for info for their own curiosity, I like to keep at an arms length and maintain their mystery about me. It really drives them crazy!


Yep, key word .BOUNDRIES !!! I hate nosy persistent rude people ..they are the gossips . I wouldn’t dare ask a question…people will say if they want to tell you . Another good one is “ if you don’t ask, I won’t have to lie “ !!!


You can't give that look or refuse to answer those types, though, because people who are rude enough to ask a bunch of personal questions, aren't sensitive or intelligent enough to get the hint, they'll just keep hammering away... I know this, because I work with people like that... and they are incredibly irritating....


Yes, this is a problem I have noticed too its more extensive nowadays. It also seems people want instant gratification more nowadays so they are not afraid to ask things. They should be embarrassed for asking such questions. People just have no sense of respect or dignity for other people or they would not approach questions that are taboo like. Especially if you live a good life they want to find a flaw if they can it seems to use it against you. Thank you for this video. I have to tell you I love you hair!!


why are you still single?? the most offensive question.


My sister's first husband was one of these people. He played the amateur therapist, always digging around in people's personal lives, on the pretext that getting it all out into the open was somehow healthy and therapeutic, when really he was just a bit of a reptile. On the rare occasions when we encounter eachother nowadays, I make it my business to be very curt indeed.


how about the good old, "that's none of your damn business... nosey ass!"


Marie, thank you SO much for discussing this. Times when I didn't want to answer questions I've been called anti-social or accused of having something to hide. A look or changing the subject sometimes works, but there are those jerks that persistently demand an answer. My answer is "Why would I waste my time discussing something that's none of your business?" They hate me after that, but they DO leave me alone. : ) LOL!!


The only good appropriate question I know is to ask people where they are from that’s it. But I DON’T do questions cause I can’t.


Hi, I find asking them "why would you ask that" ?. or "Why would you want to know that ". ?. it usually totally stops people, unless of course they are so rude and ignorant it can go straight over their heads. If I'm really pushed I just say "not open to discussion on that".
