alex g - i remember you

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i remember about 6 years ago listening to this with my cousin laying in the middle of a field at my family’s old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere looking at the clear night sky’s. the moon was bright and there were a lot of stars. it’s a great memory me and my cousin have :)


finding alex g was possibly the best thing to ever happen to me in middle school


“i am a cannibal and i’ll eat whatever the fuck i want” might be one of my favorite lyrics ever


“I saw a picture of my face. I looked like a disgrace.” Felt that


Alex g feels like wandering as a confused teenager through field and through life


1:38 "I'm not okay, in fact I'm sick today" is also a lyric in the song "The Same" from his race album


this one is such a fucking gem. evokes such a specific feeling... simple but masterful songwriting. i can't imagine hearing this back when alex was first starting


wish I found stuff like this earlier in my life


Day 106:
I had lunch at my friend's house an stayed there all the afternoon. We watched some movies, painted eachother's nails and some other things.
Even tough it was fun, i obviously got really tired by the end of the noon. I waited for my mom to pick me up, but since my friend lives in the center of the city i was a bit scared of being robbed or that something bad would happen to me, so i stayed inside one of the last open stores to stay a bit safer.
Today was a nice day.


Day 347:
Grandma has been feeling a bit sick lately, but she didnt want to go to the doctor. We're trying to convince her to go, after all its the best for her.
Today was father's day in my country, its the first time that i've spent it without dad and it was honestly amazing. Dad always manages to ruin every special date somehow, so jn glad he didnt get the chance to do it again.
Today was a nice day.


Day 78:
I cried because of dad again.
I was helping him with some things at his office and i ended up forgetting my wallet when i got home.
He texted me in the middle of class, insulting me and calling me a lot of names simply because i forgot the wallet. I know that a wallet is a essential item and it was irresponsible of me to forget it, but it was unnecessary to call me thise things and insult me like that.
I tried to not cry during class, but some tears escaped, luckily my friend comforted me.
I cried and let it all out when i got home, which was nice, but i'm still apprehensive because of my father
Today was a bad day.


I Remember you - Alex G Lyrics

I read my book today, I wonder if I'll get an A
I raised my hand today, I wonder if they'll know my name
I wandered back and forth, I wonder what my life is worth (too real :')
I wandered back and forth, I think I'm on the second floor

And I remember you, and I know what you can do
And I know you'd do it too if time would just let you

[Verse 2]
I am a rocker now, I am a rocker now and I'll do whatever the fuck I want
And I am a cannibal, I am a cannibal and I'll eat whatever the fuck I want

Are you okay, I'm not okay, In fact, I'm sick today
I saw a picture of my face, I looked like a disgrace
You don't know me, I'm on the floor but I'm just there to explore
(Too real)

And I remember you, and I know what you've been through
And I know what you can do, and you know I'd do it for you



Day 228:
I've been working on a science project for a lot of time now, it's honestly the most boring project i had this year. I need to make a lot of drawing for it and also some writing, but at least she gave us a long due date.
I've been meaning to learn a new language for some time, i tried russian and ended giving up. And now i'm picking up italian and i honestly think i'm doing pretty well on it so far!!
Today was a nice day.


Day 8:
I went to the doctor for a check-up, i'm not sure when the results will arrive, but hopefully everything will be ok, the doctor was really kind!!
I took a nice&long walk since i wanted to enjoy the sun light. I found some beautiful flowers which i dried up and placed them on my flower book.
I took the rest of the day to read a book. I got a cup of coffe and sat on my balcony, the book was "The Little Prince", i must have read this book 5 times, it brings me a lot of comfort.
Today was a nice day.


Day 31:
My uncle invited us to visit the countryside house he just bought. I'm really happy for him since he's been saving and planning this house for the past 4 years, he built it from zero near a lake.
I got to take a swim with my little cousin since it's a lakeside house, we tought about fishing, but the only fishing rod we had was completely broken, so we decided to leave it for another day.
I was really tired when i got home because of how much i swam, and i took a quick nap.
Today was a nice day


I love Alex, each of his lyrics has something interesting, they are between beautiful and disturbing. They maintain that air of something eternal or unfinished


I remember a few years ago listening to this song on an Alex g playlist. I couldn’t use Spotify I was trapped in my room and just cried. This song helped me so much that day .


Day 378:
I painted with watercolor for the first time in a while. I really like painting flowers, so tried to paint white lillies. It was a bit hard doing the shadows, but in the end it looked pretty ok.
Dad asked my mom to ask me to talk to him. I felt guilty because i know he still cares about me, and it really made me feel like a terrible daughter. But i know that if i reach out to him, he just wont leave me alone and knowing how he always acts, i will end up suffering again, so for my own sake i decided to ignore him.
I went on a walk with mom and our dog, we went to a little grassy field and let the dog run around, i think she really liked it!
Today was a nice day.


Day 186: the beach was nice, but i missed home a lot. I woke up a bit later than usual since the trip back was really long and tiring, but i still got to enjoy the day.
I went out for a walk and bought my favorite drink, that for some reason i couldn't found at any store when i went to the beach.
And of course i spent a lot of time with my dog, 4 days apart doesnt seem like much, but it was enough to make me miss her an awful lot.
Today was a nice day


listening to this song in 7th grade changed the trajectory of my life
