Cigar Box Guitar Workshop - Sorting and Organizing - Shop Cleaning - GOT STRAPS ???

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I'm FINALLY getting A ROUND TUIT !!! Cleaning up the Cigar Box Guitar Workshop. Sorting and organizing, vacuuming, dusting, finding things I lost, finding things I never knew I had.. Feels better to have your space clean and certainly makes for a better video backdrop. That's the problem when you build Cigar Box Guitars, you hoard, collect, gather junk, never throw away anything... and stuff just piles up until you can't move. It's ridicules!! Well?? In this video I FINALLY get a ROUND TUIT !!!

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Will we watch 30 mins of The General organize his straps~and route through his junk pile? You bet we will! A self professing, psychotic~organizer~I think I enjoyed this video more than all the rest!
Got my POPCORN ready for the next one! Go big! Organize that shop! Make it BRAVEHEART EPIC!.... "Son's of Scotland! We have come here... to tell that MESS~we will take it no more!~....NO! ~We will run! And we will live~...Aye~clean up, and you may die~ run and you may live~for a while, but many years from now, dying in your beds, what would you give to come back here, and tell that mess, you may take our lives...but you will never FREEDOM! gu bràth!!


There's nothing more satisfying than watching somebody else working!


I spent the afternoon starting to clear up my workshop, then came home, feet up, beer open, to watch you doing the same thing!


I went to a guys house here in Calgary (garage actually) who builds CBGs, and it looks just like yours. Shelves upon shelves of boxes of cigar boxes, premade necks, old guitars that he scavenges tuners and pick ups from, not to mention his tools. Organized mayhem is what it is, but everything has a potential use. When I walked in he said Sorry about the mess...
I said what mess? This is awesome!


Accumulated stuff, I know the feeling. The more you do the more stuff you have, which means you need more room for your stuff. It's the true never ending story. Keep on keeping on.


Del, you not only got a round tuit, you got down tuit. This was a perfect video. I needed to water my lawn for 30 minutes. Thanks.


Around the big box stores I can't help looking at items on the shelf and think what else I can build with them besides what they are originally made for 🤣


What got me started on building CBG's was tackling my own round tuit pile. There had been a broken part-less cello from a dumpster languishing in my round tuit pile that, as I finally looked for parts for it, I found a whole acoustic cello for less than half the cost of the parts. Then, having a working cello, I soon found that acoustic cellos do not work well with drums and electric guitars because they're too resonant. So I removed the neck from the broken cello and built a solid body electric cello with the neck and one whale of a kalimba from the body.
At that point, having gleaned a ton of knowledge from my E-cello project, I ran into your channel and I'm now the proud owner of four CBG's with four more on the docket, all tuned differently, from baritone to soprano. My necks are all made from the leftover ash plank that I bought for the E-cello body. Thanks Del!


Well done Del .. i'm doing that myself too from time to time .. it helps working better and more cleaner ..


I think I lost lost that orange strap on Jackson School Rd.


That "strap box" would be great for a double neck cbg, all builders are hoarders, I'm terrible for keeping "maybe one day" items 😂😂


Impressive clean up at first it looked like my wife does moving from one side to another, however in true man fashion you accomplished your task. Well done 👍


I can definitely relate to the horder lifestyle. I usually "rescue" a lot of things I plan on using :). I usually end up repairing and using/selling some of it, saving some for future projects I have planned, and the rest is slowly taking over my shed.
I have already collected to big bags of potentionel items for cbg-builds, before even starting my first build.
Summerproject = empty out shed and start over :D


Del, I've used old belts that were a little longer (usually leather) that are skinny. They make great guitar straps, and probably cbg straps, too. Worn out ones are the best !! I gave up trying to organize stuff, because I end up moving it from one pile to another. !


Now the challenge of remembering what box I put it in!


Just acquired a stainless tea ball (to most people) 2 sound hole covers to me


Two thoughts: When you have a load of CBGs hanging from the screws, nobody sees the clutter (business must be great)
Now I know what to do with my old dog leash. I used a dog collar on a guitar case and amp handle.


Keep it tidy but remember - it is the work space where you just reach up, out and under for those bits you need


31:28 ...that would make a great "arched top" cbg! it's too bad the painted/decorated side is on the down side...


The difference between a hoarder and a collector is the illusion of organisation.
