Cornish Pasty Recipe - Cornish-Style Meat Pies

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I was really worried about all that lard until you added the butter... phew.


"Don't worry... we're also going to add butter."

I died.


I'm Japanese but I have been making Pasties off and on for 3 decades. I love them and so do my family.


My Finnish grandfather immigrated here in 1906 at the age of 16 by himself. I guess 16 were considered men back then. He worked in the copper mines of Wisconsin. The many Finns who worked there took this pastry down into the mines with them. They called it pasty. My Finnish mom fixed this delicious meat pie for us my whole childhood. My friends clamored to be invited to supper when we were having pasty for supper. It’s delicious!


my parents grew up in the UP, every time i go back we have to have a pasty. thanks for helping me make my own at home now.


You have the most elegant, cleanest, creative, most classy food channels ever with a splash of pure humor! Thank you Chef John!!!


"I've been asked to stop visiting the local mine shafts." Dude's completely mental. Thanks John!


My favorite YouTube Chef. I adore his dry humor and wet wit. Clear concise instructions that always get me great results.


Brings back so many childhood happy memories of Newquay in Cornwall. Mum used to give us, me and sister a shilling for a Cornish Pasty and milk. We would play down in the harbor all day until Mum rang a school bell from the cliff top @ 73 Fore st calling us home for dinner. I've lived in Asia Pacific, mostly Sydney for sixty years but still remember the taste of a warm Cornish Pasty.


Looks to be a very tasty variation of a pasty. I am Cornish and loved the fact that you added in about the crust. My dad was a born and bred Cornish man and also a chef. He taught us that traditionally pasties had beef (skirt), turnip, potato and onion at one end of the pasty with a fruit filling such as apple in the last third of the pasty. The crimped crust was for the miner's grubby hands to hold the pasty and younger members of the family who were also working at the mines would have the grubby crust to eat. Today, these traditional pasties are very expensive to make but are delicious, especially without the grubby coal dirt crust lol. Hopefully my comment to you(Food Wishes) won't cause another outbreak of nasty arguing as that is not my intention and I enjoyed the video and the witty quips you put in the commentary.


“Until it gets annoying to stir”. Best explanation ever.


I made this with my nephew and we had so much fun. We followed the recipe but substitute turnips for carrots. It turned out absolutely wonderful. My English husband was so proud of our results!! I love your cooking channel, Chef John!!!! Thank You!!!


Fun fact: I live in Butte, MT; a town known for Irish and English immigrants mining up tons and tons of copper. It's about exactly what you'd expect a town like that to be; we love beer, church, and fighting.

The pasty is something of a traditional delicacy here. I friggin' _love_ them. The savory meat and potato surrounded by that delicate, flaky crust... That's the stuff of love. Even better when it's drowning in a good brown onion gravy.

By the way, Chef John, guess what recipe I think you should do next?


So delicious...I used to take one to work with me on night duty as a police officer in London, great with a mug of tea.


Outstanding and authentic take on the classic Cornish Pastie. Spot on and never forget that little bit of butter on top of the filling before you fold over your pastry; it makes the world of difference to the finished product. For vegans out there you can leave out the meat, add carrot and replace the lard with, ah, what the heck, I've never met a Cornish vegan!


Thank you for showing the cream at the end! For years and years we have been eating ours with a splash of cold whole milk and people thought we were nuts, but it’s delicious. It helps cool it down. We would put ours in a bowl and break it up a bit, add a nice sprinkling of salt and a little pepper and then the milk. So good.
My mother would make them for my grandfather and he would practically tear up eating them.
Thank you Chef John for this recipe. Seems like I’ll be making these and remembering my dear Gampy and treating my mother to a wonderful meal down memory lane.


Its 6.20 am here in the UK and my mouth is watering .. I havent had a cornish pasty in years :( I am diabetic so its a no go, all I have is videos like this to saliva over lol. These look like heaven to me!


Chef John, you are HANDS DOWN the most entertaining and informative chef I have EVER had the pleasure of watching. I hope somehow you attain all the success you so obviously deserve. Keep rockin my brother.


Even if I don't watch every one of your videos. You are a superb human culinary instrument. I love you.


This actually sounds delish! And you're right, waiting IS less painful than 3rd degree burns. Especially on the roof of your mouth. Your voice makes me smile.
