Re-Learning Ansible on EVE-NG, might push some configs to CHRs (The Network Berg Stream Ep.17)

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In this stream we will be looking at how to configure a Linux host as well as Ansible on EVE-NG.

Note: This stream is mainly for me sharing knowledge, if you are looking for a way to fix some specific issue you are having in your production network please reach out to a local consultant to help you with those issues. I ask you to be mindful and respectful in the chat to me and to others and I hope we have a great time together :)

EVE-NG Setup:


Thumbnail: Created on Canva

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Emphasis on TRYING to Re-learn ansible as we were spending a good portion of the stream just troubleshooting where the ansible.cfg file is located xD! In the next stream we will be doing a completely fresh Ubuntu 21.04 LTS Desktop installation on EVE-NG to get comfortable with the Ansible installation and its file paths ;)!


Can Ansible ( outside of EVE-NG) automate the devices inside of a EVE-NG environment?


this video should be taken off youtube there to much time troubleshooting the video instead of actually working with ansible
