How to center an image with CSS Tutorial (Horizontal & Vertical)

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In this tutorial, you'll learn how to center an image with CSS both horizontally and vertically.

In the video:
00:28 Centering inline images
01:09 Centering inline block images
01:57 Transforming
02:35 Using Flexbox

So one of the most common tasks with CSS is to make sure things are appearing in the right place on the page. This is especially true for images and this CSS tutorial will show you how to make sure your image is exactly in the center of it's parent container i.e. a div or other element.

In fact, i'll show you several different ways to to center an image with CSS each achieving the same effect.

The first approach of how to center an image with CSS is to simply use the text-align property to align the image centrally on the horizontal plane. This works because an img tag is actually an inline element just like a span.

Trying to align the image vertically is a little more tricky and we'll look at a solution to this using inline-block elements alongside the vertical-align property to center an image vertically with CSS.

We'll then take a look at using the transform property to move the image element to the center of the containing element and this is a really useful technique that can be applied to any sized element not just images.

Finally, we'll discuss using flexbox to center an image with CSS and you'll see that it does actually provide the easiest way to center an image but there are a few consideration about taking this approach that we'll discuss.

So I hope you enjoy and find useful this Junior Developer Central tutorial on how to center an image with CSS.

#CSS #CSSTutorial #CSSHowtos Channel Handle @codebubb
Рекомендации по теме

Please add more such videos on CSS!!!
It was really helpful!!


Awesome! Thanks, I've been looking for this a long time.


Nice. But what is the code to move the image up or down? For instance, I have an image to the left of a text, and I want the image to remain on the top/left (always). For the moment something is set up that makes the image goes down(follows the text)


How to horizontal&vertical alignment center for multiple background images?


My image won't move from the top right no matter what I do


Came just in time to fix a hero section


Ur tricks are fake they are not working for me. Even the display flex one


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