The Banana Splits 2008 The Banana Splits movie 2019

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2008: Let's learn and play!
2019: Let's kill and make nightmare!😈🔪


Hey man! I'm rlly sorry for u to have no comments
Here's the story: a boy named harley who was nine years old was a big fan of the splites but in his birthday he was pretty disappointed for the gifts, but when his dad got the tickets he couldn't believe his eyes that he was gonna go to a LIVE concert for his favourite show. But he didn't had friends over his mom called Duncan's mom which is harley's best friend to come over. Sadly for harley Duncan was sick sadly. Until this is harley's other friend meet zoe she doesn't likes the splites cuz she thinks harley is a furry and believes he can talk to robots lol. Anyways while they were in the car driving to the studio where the splites are there was a grumpy guard telling mitch/harleys dad told him that when he's alone at night he sees the splites riding around with the banana buggy. Harley gets scared but his dad says he was just kidding (he wasn't kidding) Anyways after that they were in a line wjere they meet paige paige tells the to give everyone's phone cjz there was no recording allowed, amd the robots are fleegle the beagle bingo the gorilla drooper the lion and my favourite snorky the elephant. While the splites were driving harley steps in front to say high and he almost got ranned over lucky for him the car stoped. Harley's mom pushed him off the road before they leave, but harley defence himselft saying that snorky won't hurt him. Anyways the splits when to the mechanic to update where theor is a man named Karl Karl builded tne animaltronics at 2008 to 2019 he told the splites that they were naughty cuz they almost hit that boy, karl then tells drooper to get in the mechanic update so he can update then he tells fleegle bingo and snorky to get backstage to peform but ssomething goes wrong with drooper. While drooper was updating a red code upered in his glasses karl didn't know cuz he was builing a 5th animaltronick I will tell u that later finally the show starts amd there is a guy named steve who is so drunk and disrespectful to the robots Anyways the show starts harley was super excited. There is a wheel where they choose what the ending would be steve tells drooper to spin it and it landed on rockout. Until Steve hears something and listen and the program aka Andy said he was gonna cancel the show for network problems but he gets kidnapped by bingo. Later on the 2nd show starts where they were pefrom until Steve went on this on pad and drooper used his guitar spined around and knocked him out. Everybody in the crowd starts laughing but harley tells his mom that this was wrong his mom think it was just a part of the show. Later on Steve is on bac, stage with the robots amd his pissed off on drooper for knocking him out he starts disrespecting drooper amd goes to his changing amd drooper and red eyes on his eyes drooper comes with steve in tje dressing room standing Steve tells him to leave BUT HE DID THE WORST DESISHION he starts to spit on droopers face while he was drinking alcohol. Until he goes to the mirror untill drooper takes a giant lolipop grabs Steve shoulder AND BAM HE SHOVED THE LOLIPOP ON HIS THROAT, he was the first person to DIE paige tells anyone if they had the stars so they can take a photo with them and the splites amd get it on their website, harley was sad cuz he didn't have stars untill paige tells him wjere he was going harley said he didn't have stars, paige allowas him to take a photo with the splites cuz its his birthday. Until thad amd poppy who were tiktokers took a pic amd left untill a guy named Jonathan tells paige that he needs her daughter to peform page says no and he wants to find the producer but paige follows him to stop him. Meanwhile harley amd zoe finds the splites until harley sees snorky gone oh and btw austin amd his mom finds mitch outskde texting someone he says for work. She snaches his phone amd finds out he was CHEETING AMD SLEEPING WITH HIS ASSISTANT FROM WORK. He says goodbye and starts going to the car going home until snorky with the banana buggy starts chasing him and what stupid mitch was doing he dropped his phone AMD SNORKY RAN OVER IT, he finds a guard but his head is ripped of and mitch gets ran over by snorky. Meanwhile after harley said snorky was gone he went somehwere else and he was sad until zoe sakd to find him like a quest and they begin their journey. Meanwhile when austin and Beth gets to the stage he sees harley gone the 2nd programmer says there exploring the other sets. Earlier Jonathan gets burned by drooper and his daughter got kidnapped in a cage, he walks out of the door amd starts stuttering and austin and Beth went to find harley amd zoe. Meanwhile thad has the perfect time to propose to poppy amd she sakd yes LIVE if ur wondering oh how did he get the phone back? He borrowed poppy's phone until fleegle comes amd snaches the phone thad says to give it back poppy told him that mabye he was doing a magic trick, he puts the phone in the bag and says BANACADABRA amd starts slamming the phone thad got angry and said what he was doing. Fleegle droped the phone and pushed that into a musician box wjere to kill pple and poppy starts crying fleegle putted the saw in he will nkt finsih until the saw is fully in amd thad died. He then tries to do it with poppy but he heared the kids noise, he came tl the kids amd harley told fleegle if he sees snorky fleegle says yes amd they went off to find snorky. Meanwhile austin and his mom finds bingo's jungle until they heared drumsticks austin says bingo and bingo kidnappes austin his mom comes up amd pushes bingo off the set bingo died but he will come back amd they went off to find the kids. After that fleegle takes harley and zle to the mechanic where they are build fleegle points at the cage and finds out Jonathan daughter parker was in fleegle pushes them inside amd now their locked up, Rebecca tells paige to call 911 QUICKLY paige goes to get some help Meanwhile fleegle comes Rebecca told it to stand dkwn but it won't listen cuz of the network problem he chokes Rebecca amd puts her down. Fleegle then puts them on a matres where they have to do the sloppy time course just like in the kids version after they reach the top they couldn't find the blue key fleegle POCKES IT ON JONATHAN'S BAC, TO HIS SPINE he throws the key amd pushes him off Rebecca fell to the ballpit thinking she won but drooper smashes her head wkth a hammer. Meanwhile karl comes to the kids amd zoe tells karl to let us out karl says he can't cuz he told his boys to stop but they won't listen and karl had chopped of fingers harley convinces karl to open it up he said to karl if he wanted to stop this he needed help so when he was abt to unlock it he droopes the keys to see drooper carrying bingo since the key was near harley took the keys and escaped drooper amd fleegle left karl tried to put them back but harley grabs a friend and shot it at his forehead and pputting him to the cage and they escaped. Meanwhile paige wents to call 911 but fleegle broke the phones untill she sees drooper singing in the hall chasing her she hides in the ballpit amd austin picks her up and they left tk find the kids. After the kids escaped harley met snoeky but the door was locked parker amd zoe was scared but harley does snorky's signature move THE SNORKY SHUFFLE and they danced together he grabbed harley Parker and zoe's hand and went to bring their parents what a legend ❤️. Paige goes the karl amd sees a bunker u till they heared nozesz amd they got weapons and checked it out snorky putted harley Parker and zoe to sit locked up, but he gave harley the key to escape UNTILL THE PRUDERCER ARIVES Andy tells them them to stop but instead they cut of his limbs and the kids ran away and the mother killed fleegle and drooper they went to escape untill bingo arrives UNTILL A GOD CAME snorky fighter bingo amd bingo ripped of snorky's heart but snorky killed bingo harley goes up to snorky only to find him dead ):❤ they escaped amd they went bac, home.



Hey im you're 2nd Comment.I hope you can get more Comments and i wish sorky lived and the fat ass red tiger just die and.not sorky also u earned more subscribers i hope u earn subscribers!
