EXPOSED: Stefanie Kammerman SCAM? Stock Whisperer Dark Pool Secrets Review

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Is Stefanie Kammerman a scam and fraud? In this Stefanie Kammerman review, you'll learn whether, in my opinion, she's legitimate or a scam.

Stefanie Kammerman runs The Stock Whisperer @ The Java Pit and Dark Pool Secrets.

In my opinion, she's a complete scam.

Be careful when trusting fake gurus.

They can lead you to financial destruction.


#DarkPoolSecrets #stefanieKammerman #StockWhisperer
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Attacking a woman’s physical appearance does nothing except make you look bad. If you have something to criticize, do her platform not her looks.


I just recently saw Stefanie Kammerman at a seminar at my local library. I do not have an opinion on her services as of yet but -
1) She never claimed any CNBC credentials. In fact, she mentioned that she has NOT been on cnbc.
2) I do not know her age but at least in person, she looked good. For whatever her age is.
3) The fact that you have a competitive product disqualifies you from giving an opinion about whether she is a fraud.
You should just promote your product and show us how better it is.
What is your product?


Thanks for stating immediately that everything in this video is your opinion. That way when people are viewing they can can know that after watching this that your opinion is all they will receive. I've never once in my life posted a message on YouTube, but I felt compelled after watching this. I'm on YouTube right now to review something she left for readers in Ch 4 of her book. Have you ever written a book? It seems all the greats have a book. Warren Buffett has one and he has zero reviews on YouTube of other trading educators to my knowledge. There is no way in my right mind that I wouldn't consider her years of experience in the market to be far superior to your millennial rant. You are getting the attention your generation craves and without tact for your entire profession. Keep in mind, I have never met Stefanie, but in my research of her, she does not have one video bashing anyone in her profession, which speaks volumes to her maturity and level of success. I would gladly take her course and pay her fees to learn what she knows. As a matter of fact, I think I'll sign up right after this message and give your viewers the educated review they deserve instead of a biased opinion from a competitor. Please don't be cowardly and take this video down so I can give my follow up in the months ahead. Thank You, John Pop"Pope" Popish.


Extremely unprofessional.
Your attacks on her appearance almost completely discredit anything you could have said. Also trying to discreetly tell us you offer a better deal.
Not very classy.


I think if you haven't literally been a student or worked with her then I believe your opinion is invalid lol... 😂


Well I actually ordered her book and want to know if there are flaws in her method. Don't spend half the video on her looks. Give some facts why tracking dark pools is a failed strategy.


Went through Stefanie's boot camp and I am an active trader in her Java Pit... and she's changed my world!


I am looking into getting some training. Can I see your personal financial statements? I have no problems investing into education, but I want to know that I am doing the right things and not getting scammed. Thank you.


I don't know Stafanie Kammerman, but thank you for the warning. I am curious, I will try out her cheapest service first to check it out. By the way, appearance does matter, in business. People tend to be attracted to good looking women or men. Just like getting a job, we need to look good and presentable.


I have NOT decided to join her network but after seeing this video I just might! To attack her on her looks (sex appeal) is sad ... get a life! I'm concerned that she doesn't respond to yours & others requesting proof but perhaps she feels no needs to respond to your childish attacks? I am smart enough to know if her program works within a couple of months? Anyone projecting that her subscribers will "lose all their money" is absurd. I'll take 20 - 50% profits on trades ALL day long, knowing some of those trades will be losers! Just by watching this video, it seems like you might be the fraud or at least MUCH less successful? Word to the wise; you'd get much more respect if your attacks were more factual & specific than personal, absence of proof in this forum, is NOT conclusive of a bad program. I watch CNBC all the time and see nothing but her paid advertisements, why don't you have any???


You cant blame people because things did not work for you or u dont make money. Work hard, study hard and things will go well. I am fully independant and studied with Stefanie and I dont have time to complain about others ;)


Wow. You just saved me 5k to 7k which is what is cost for her program. Thank you for your review. I knew something was up when I just googled dark pool trading and seen that light speed and others had the same feature of dark pool prints. I can’t believe she couldn’t come up with financial proof. Wow.


I have traded with Stefanie Kammerman for more than 5 years and she has transformed my trading strategies and increased by profits substantially.


Well, she offered her book for just shipping and handling, so that told me that she is not out for my money (she has her own money). I will read it and see. Also, inside the box came a card from Fulfillment House, that tells me she is charitable.
You say that she charges some odd thousands of dollars. Sometimes it makes me feel that the gurus like her and Tony Robbins (Tony doesn't need our money, makes me wonder why he charges so much for his loud and annoying shows) make their money off of books and seminars, not the actual doing of the "what they say they really make money at".
If it were me., if I was already making a high percentage on a specific type job and people wanted to know how I did it, I would want to show and teach them for free, what do I need their money for if I am making lots of money doing what I do everyday.


I prefer Dolly Parton at 73 Dolly should start making courses on day trading... 5 000$. I will listen to Dolly !


Hey Bro..I have been in her room for last 3yrs and I have learned so much from her and I make money! She is a warm, kind hearted person who really wants to help traders and show them how the dark pool works. Btw she is a great looking woman! Wish I could say that about you! You are just jealous because she is successful! ...And you should order her book!


Well guys like him that are clueless don’t understand that she is not a financial advisor she’s not allowed to show you anything she has an alert service


"She's not J-Lo 50, she's your mom 50" literally had me crying laughing!


You turned your argument into something personal by bring your opinion of her physical appeal into your comments. You are not to be taken seriously.


How can knowing where institutions are taking positions be a bad thing? Physical appearance is IRRELEVANT.
