What is the unworthy manner? | Andrew Farley

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Worthiness is based on Christ. There were some at passover feasts that did not "discern" or recognize the sacrifice that Jesus made in His body.
1 Corinthians 11:29-30 KJVS
For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. [30] For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.
Weak -morally
Sleep- dullness🥱
An unworthy manner therefore is where one rejects the only way to achieve worthiness through Christ and His sacrifice which defines worthiness and is fulfillment of the passover.


It would be nice to be able to share this on tictok


Hey Andrew Farley could you do a video on Revelation 21:8 thank-you for your teachings I believe they help so many understand their Christian life deeper like I have I believed we had to be sinless literally in Flesh now I see thats based on fear and manipulation, its true, Christians repent but I believe repentance is actually sincere acceptance of Christ and what he did and was, he was God in Flesh and died for all sin, accepting Christ is knowing you can't save yourself and only he can save you, I believe the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is rejection and pure unending hatred of Christ even into death and dying in their unforgiven sins, a purely wicked heart of darkness and not wanting to freely accept Christ but freely reject and hate him and never change in heart and mind to love Christ freely and be gifted the Holy Spirit, instead they accept the Anti Spirit and refuse forgiveness because they chose freely to serve darkness and Lucifer with a heart of stone, rather than freely choose Christ to have a heart of Flesh and unseared conscience and in conclusion becoming a new creation in Christ, sinning still in Flesh but not in Spirit, I believe once we accept Christ he renews our heart and mind and when we physically sin in Flesh we confess not because of salvation purposes but rid ourselves of guilt, shame, and keep our conscience clean and pure as much as possible, I believe we'll always sin in the Flesh but as Christians we aren't condemned or to fear of being destroyed for not being perfect in Flesh but have honor and respect for God but I believe Christians will never be comfortable with wickedness and sin but want to overwrite it with Christ's love and have a conscience when they give in to sin or is tempted to it, I believe the difference between non believers and believers is that non believers may have a conscience but reject Christ so therefore their not forgiven of any sin until they accept Christ and the believers have a conscience and have accepted Christ fully so all sin is forgiven and we have the Holy Spirit and a new heart and mind and made perfect through Christ alone in Spirit, I believe the resurrection is used for the purpose of making the Flesh sinless so we may inhabit our original bodies that are new without sin and perfect in the eyes of God just like before the fall before sin with Adam and Eve. I believe Christ came to redeem renew and restore everything and everyone, and the New Heavens and New Earth is the completion and end of the Redemption of Creation, thank-you for reading take care and God Bless, this is all based on my studying, research, views, beliefs, and thoughts as a Christian, thank-you all for reading and God Bless :)


These appear to me aa a mixed crowd of Jews observing passover. There is nothing that indicates from what I can see in the text that this was directed at Christians but throughout the entire new testament the audience seems to be mixed ie; "you adulterers and adultresses" in James 4 and too many others to try listing in a YouTube comment.🙂


As a final statement I'd like to say I believe Christ wants everyone to accept him and be part of the New Heavens and New Earth but knows that not everyone will choose him, I believe Christ died for everyone even giving the wicked a chance at redemption even though the purely wicked will never change, I believe Christ came to die for all, a love that is both mysterious and honorable to show an enemy mercy if their willing to surrender their wickedness to his forgiveness and sacrifice, I believe that mercy is the hardest to give for us as humans but for God his mercy of pure compassion and care to see them change their armor from pure blackness to pure light, to freely accept and not reject is his greatest love of all existence to be given to his creation coming directly from him as God, love isn't forced, love is freely given and can be received or rejected, if love is forced its no longer love its manipulation mixed in fear, its religion made by man and Lucifer that causes this and Christ isn't religion but a free decision, Christ isn't about enslaving but saving, chains are made to constrain, but chains were meant to be broken not tied down with, slaves have no freedom, but through Christ we're made friends and family, no longer fear but have peace because of your freedom that Christ came to give freely for you who choose him with their own individual will thank-you again for reading take care and God Bless :)
