Archery Basic Tips | How To Look Like A Pro (On Your First Day)

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Fake it 'til you make it! If you've got an archery activity lined up and you have no idea what to do, this video will give a few pointers so you can at least pretend you know what's happening.

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For practice I go to a public range. I draw my bow with my eyes closed and spin in a circle for 30 seconds then release the arrow where I think the target is.


I go to the gun range with my bow and arrow. Yeah I get stares but we are both shooting targets at the end


It never occurred to me that people might fear the string snapping back and hitting them in the face, because that's not how it could possibly work. Even if it was elastic enough to snap back, it would never snap all the way back to where you originally held it, because physics.


I gotta say, for as low budget as this video is it's rather enjoyable to watch and listen to. A lot of people try to be helpful making videos comparable to these, however they lack the verbal ability to keep viewers focused. Some people compensate with production value, but you have the ability to keep us going with just what you say and how effectively you say it. Well done.


Loved that first example of a weak draw :D


5:08 that is because the shock from the elastic force will be absorbed into the bow instead of absorbed into the arrow hence damaging the bow.
Most importantly, never point loaded bow at anyone even if the string is not drawn. :)


The hardest thing for me was consistent head position. I often found myself either leaning my head into the string to find my anchor, or overcorrecting by pulling my head back. All of this head movement on the draw lead to inconsistent shots.

I love these archery videos!


i remember at camp, we did archery.
And I ended up with a long bruise across my right arm


I love teaching archery at summer camps. They always make the typical mistakes at first, but seeing them improve is great.

The broken equipment a real pain though


I like this guy. He makes the lessons easy to understand and lets you know that this is a sport that takes time and practice. Thanks for all the great info


"How do you aim?"
"You don't."

Yeah, that's why I am shoting almost instantly. What's most interesting, the first shot lands very often in pure center of target. But only the first shot :( Looks like my hands are getting tired later and I am starting shaking a bow a little...

miss? part of fun, watching how far my arrow wil go and.. then go find :D


The elbow turn is something I wish someone had told me about my first time. I went through twenty shots of the bow sticking my forearm. It was black and blue for like 2 weeks


This guy is a real life Uryū Ishida from bleach haha. Awesomeness.


Whoever wants to begin with Archery just watch this video. Man you know too much. Thank you for sharing this.


Went out shooting tonight for my very first time. Seven of 38 shots missed the target completely. 6 got stuck in the wood frame of the target. 2 tips were so stuck in the wood they couldn't be dislodged, leaving me with just 1 arrow. No where to go but up from here! But truly, the 25 shots that hit the target felt amazing! THANK YOU NUSENSEI for inspiring me to take up the hobby and all the sage advice!!!


i just had a lesson yesterday, and they said everything you just did, GG for a good video!


Thank you for this video. Very good tips. I remember being in a camp (few years ago) and did archery for a whole month every day. I absolutely love it! Was pretty good too, I almost always hit a bulls-eye everytime. (forget the distance, pretty far back though) One thing i never heard them mention was dry firing. So glad i looked this up as well as the twist of the elbow. I am 19 and will be getting a recurve for my birthday next week. I've been watching quite a bit of your videos and they are very helpful and I still remember my technique. I'm 5'8'' and 130lbs and am very athletic. I was wondering what draw weight do you recommened for me to use? If you do not reply it is fine. When my father takes me to the shop I will ask them for some advice on this. Anyway, thank you again for these very informational videos


Am pretty proud of when i was a kid. First shot with a bow ever. Hit the target. Not center, but i hit it. They told me thats actually really good. I didnt believe them, I MISSED! lol Ah


Liked the video for that intro, great video on basics man. I work the archery range at my local Renaissance fair and I see that agonizing 4 seconds happen and sometimes its even to the point of them wanting a refund. I greatly appreciate the lesson and tips!


Just had my first archery lesson and I am already hooked. Good tips 😁
