FACE to FACE Encounter with a GHOST - The Entity In the Basement

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You are about to witness a FACE to FACE encounter with a ghost that has been lurking down in my apartment's basement that was built in the early 1930's. I also caught other paranormal footage on tape throughout the apartment!
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lucky the ghost didn, t chuck anything breakable from the kitchen cupboard


Umm . . . . I didn't see anything. Put the Crack pipe down and everything will be ok . . .


Did I miss something? I didn't see a damn thing. Did anyone else see something?


Very interesting and real! It's a good thing you moved out when you did because the Demon or Angry Spirit would've eventually harmed you!


Ok let’s just call bullshit on this and be done with it


I use to live in a basement. one night on hollween I was sleeping by myself alone I got haunted by a girl spirit or demon. She pulled me from my ankle off my bed I was in the dark I couldn't see anything I was on the floor when I turn around and looked up that's when she jump towards me with her mouth wide open making a grudging sound with her dark eyes she was in white. That's when I shut my eyes and starting saying I don't wanna play no more I felt like I was trap and a box and couldn't move so I started calling for God help that's when I felt a piece of paper between my toes I didn't bother to look at I just threw it away from me. Some how I made my way to my bathroom to turn on the lights in the dark, I told myself I was dreaming so I made myself sleep it was 3am at night I had no where to go so the next morning I got up and starting packing my things what ever it wss didn't want me to leave it was talking to me thur the t.v. all I could do was call on the lord it felt like it was afraid everytime I did. Don't wanna go to detail but I remember running out of there feeling lost and confuse like I was in another world. I went to my dad's and seen my aunt I was shaking as I ask them do you know me like I was a stranger I was so out of it. On my way there somtin telling me to take off my clothes and just kill myself like jump on to coming traffic but I stayed focus and started singing church songs idk but it help.. after I talked to my aunt I went to lay down and try to get rested later that day I went back to get somethings with a friend and slept at nny dad's for a week tbh I moved out of there and stayed with family this thing was still around me for 2 week straight I started to just fight it and got use to it and till this day I still don't know what I was dealing with. Let me know if you wanna hear more or have any questions.


When he open the door he saw a grey white figure near the right side was standing.


Well thank you for showing it frame by frame so everyone can see the skill you posses at not snipping and synchronizing your adobe after effects inserted graphics.


The only way to get rid of demons and demonic activity is to call on the name of Jesus. But it takes faith in knowing that the name of Jesus is more powerful then the activity your encountering.


I really like how the pages weren't destroyed. Not only that this dude keeps on putting videos of these "ghosts" and he's not being harmed in any way


I didn't see a damn thing the end of the video


What a good little ghost. He left all the breakable dishes in the cupboard and only threw the plastic stuff. Good good.


I was also thinking about the plates, get more budget for the next one, break some shit.


Someone spooked Casper the friendly ghost today.


i like how this ghost doesnt want to break plates, only throws tupperwear lol


Look like 'white shadow' flying when the door opened


does anybody know what this guy saw when he opened his basement Door

because I have No Idea what he saw


I saw it the first time i watched the video. The quick burst of energy shows the head and upper body of a man. The same figure that semi appeared on the TV. It's weird nobody else sees it, the mist shows the entity and to be honest the spirit seemed genuine, Very real and scary stuff


The ghost is offended by the plastic dishware. It is a snob. I agree with it.


Well, it has a good taste in what it destroys. Or maybe it just hates plastic boxes.
