Heartworm Disease: Are Preventives Needed? And Are There Holistic Alternatives?

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Dr Jones give you an update on the incidence of Heartworm Disease in Dogs, whether Heartworm Preventives are needed, along with Natural Heartworm prevention and treatment.

Natural Mosquito, Flea and Tick Sprays

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I adopted a shelter dog that was on the last call list for having a really bad URI, and she was also heart worm positive. I watched your videos on the diy cough syrup and it worked, I also added a teaspoon of diatimacious earth to her food for a week and added organic pumpkin seeds, and this last vet visit she tested negative for heart worms.


I used to give my dogs pumpkin seed powder, hawthorn berry and black walnut tincture and neither ever got heartworms and i live in Florida. Also cooked for them fresh food and gave them other natural supplements for health.


My Vet in N.E. Ohio pushed me to have my dog injected with Pro Heart 12 and it killed my perfectly healthy beloved dog. This is criminal and unacceptable that a Pharma med killed my beautiful dog that was my best friend. This will not go unpunished.


So in the U.S. The National Heartworm Society is sponsored by all the pharmaceutical companies that make heartworm preventatives! Not surprising they recommend year-round treatment everywhere.


I just refused preventive meds for my 3 month GSD. I don’t give it to any of my dogs. I have to get rabies to license my dogs and I get the Lyme vaccine, but that’s it. I feel all these chemicals in their system isn’t good for them. If it kills worms and you give it year round what is it doing to the dog. I had my heeler to the vet and they asked me if I wanted preventative and I said no. They asked if I wanted her tested for heart worm and I said yes. She was negative and they seemed surprised since I am such a bad pet parent that doesn’t give her preventative. I prefer Dr. Jones’ holistic sprays. Has served me well so far. 😉


I live in Oregon where heartworm is pretty much non existent. I have a chihuahua and when we visit the vet "which isn't often " the vet tries his hardest to get my dog on prevention heartworm chews. I'm a pretty savvy dog owner and having Dr Jones reconfirm my thoughts about this medicine, feels good! Thank you Dr Jones for giving it to us straight eveytime. Appreciate you! 😘🙏


I live in Iowa, I adopted a dog who had hearworms. I used black walnut for a year and her tests came back negative for heartworm.


Thank you! I live in SW Virginia. There are some mosquitoe outbreaks during the summer months. I have still Kept my Dog off of any possibly toxic preventative. I use several natural oils, such as Eucalyptus, lavender and others. I also use those repellent plants in my garden, where my dog spends his time. He is a 16 year old Berny mix. His breed has a usual lifespan of 8-10 years. Yes...Great food and minimal vaccines, have made a huge difference!


Omg I live in Louisiana. We have adipted two heartworm positive pitties that went through very expensive treatment. I will start adding these to their food for prevention. TYSM for this Doctor Jones! And to all the very kind contributors in the comments that say it works ❤


I really like this guy, very honest and transparent. I’m sure he agrees that every dog should not be neutered also. I love how he’s not all for vaccines.


Absolutely truth here!!! I fell for all the things before but now I’m aware! My family member vaccinated her dog and a couple days later her dogs back legs didn’t work and it needed wheelchair legs for the rest of its life!


Thanks, Dr. Jones! Some of your commenters have mentioned using ivermectin 1% cattle solution for prevention. It would be fantastic if you could do a video dedicated to this practice to discuss dosage, delivery, mixing a solution, and cost savings, along with any side effects or risks. A tutorial with assurances that ivermectin is the same active ingredient as many of the OTC or script brands would help, too.

In my experience, the cost savings this method provides can make the difference between the dog getting year round treatment vs only a few months or none at all, especially in multidog households, and especially during trying economical times.

Thanks for being a voice for the animals and for a great video aeries!


Our vet in Wisconsin had my husband sign a form that he was rejecting the heartworm treatment for our dogs. I got angry at the strong-arm tactic and fear she was trying to instill in us. I have lived in this area most of my life, known tons of dogs and their people, and only heard of one dog getting heartworm. This dog had a good life and travelled often with his human....Thank you so much for all your information Dr. Jones.


My bloodhound-great Dane 2.5 year old rescue "puppy" ( from LOUISIANA) went through the Slow-kill " treatment and still tested positive. Now he has started the injection protocol, which is frightening to me! Yes, I am concerned for my wallet, but my ability to keep him calm is a greater concern! Thank you for giving me more hope that his condition is not as critical. He doesn't even have a cough. I will minimize his activities as a precaution, but at least I don't feel that he can't jump on our bed or climb the stairs of this old farmhouse here in PA. My other 2senior dogs have never been on HW meds but get tested annually. Huge load off my mind!! Thank you and God bless!!! ❤️🥰


We have a 22 month old Border Collie. My vet, bless her heart, does holistic medicine as well as standard. This pup has had the absolute minimum in vaxs. The cocktails being injected into our pets is absolutely crazy. She has an ultrasonic 'Soundshield' on her collar for ticks, fleas. I use a diy mosquito repellant that has cedar, citronella, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, lemon, and geranium EO's. It works. Not giving her any neurotoxins by way of preventative meds. She eats what we eat like the healthy animals before commercial pet foods were invented. She is supplemented occasionally with a very high grade kibble. So far so good.


Thank you Dr. Jones! You always address issues so many of us have trouble understanding. God Bless you and your wonderful family.


Where I live in Canada ? It's less than 1/2 % chance of getting heartworms - yet my (former) vet pushed heartworm meds EVERY year, then, of course the 'heart worm test' each spring in case the tablets didn't
WOW, what a nice money maker for him ( almost as good, and right up there, with 'yearly vaccines' ) .No wonder he owned both a big house, AND a nice cottage, in upstate New he's retired now. Lucky him....
Glad I could help him pay for all that, over the years, with my four doggie patients.... :(


Very interesting when my dog's reached adult ages I used natural sprays and I paid attention to when the misquotes were bad. Like in the fall in the morning and evening. I'd make sure that they where sprayed well and put essential oils rubbed on there collars. I used to feed they well and put 2 shot glasses of colloidal silver in there water at all times. I stopped the over the counter preventive medication I felt that it was overwhelming there bodies. I didn't think about that area I lived in like you showed in the map graph. Thanks again. I all ways learn so much from you


My holistic vet only pushes heartguard during mosquito season. She doesn't push any other medications but suggest probiotics for homemade raw food fed dogs.


Ok found the link.
The Heart Worm talk was great. Lots of information in a understandable way.
Thank you for helping us do the best we can by our kids.
