Музыка для души ! Фестиваль 'В гостях у Митрофановны'. Часть вторая.
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Всероссийский фестиваль гармонистов "В гостях у Митрофановны" проходит при полных залах в Сосновском районе Челябинской области.
Кременкульский Дом культуры первым принял музыкантов со всей России. Их приветствовали министр культуры Челябинской области. Ансамбль "Митрофановна", ведущие Сергей Исаков и Геннадий Зыков сразу погружают зрителя в расслабленную деревенскую атмосферу. Смотрите, слушайте и наслаждайтесь!
Для Вас будут петь: Ансамбль "Митрофановна", Владимир Опарин, Сергей Ижукин, Людмила Весельская, трио " Цветень " , "Пташица", ансамбль "Веселуха", Александр Устьянцев.
The All-Russian festival of harmonists "Visiting Mitrofanovna" is held with full halls in the Sosnovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region.
The Kremenkul House of Culture was the first to receive musicians from all over Russia. They were welcomed by the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk region. The ensemble "Mitrofanovna", the presenters Sergey Isakov and Gennady Zykov immediately immerse the viewer in a relaxed village atmosphere. Watch, listen and enjoy!
The following singers will sing for you: The ensemble "Mitrofanovna", Vladimir Oparin, Sergey Izhukin, Lyudmila Veselskaya, the trio "Tsveten", "Ptashitsa", the ensemble" Veselukha", Alexander Ustyantsev.
The All-Russian festival of harmonists "Visiting Mitrofanovna" is held with full halls in the Sosnovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region.
The Kremenkul House of Culture was the first to receive musicians from all over Russia. They were welcomed by the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk region. The ensemble "Mitrofanovna", the presenters Sergey Isakov and Gennady Zykov immediately immerse the viewer in a relaxed village atmosphere. Watch, listen and enjoy!
The following singers will sing for you: The ensemble "Mitrofanovna", Vladimir Oparin, Sergey Izhukin, Lyudmila Veselskaya, the trio "Tsveten", "Ptashitsa", the ensemble" Veselukha", Alexander Ustyantsev.
ойся ты ойся в гостях у митрофановны
Кременкульский Дом культуры первым принял музыкантов со всей России. Их приветствовали министр культуры Челябинской области. Ансамбль "Митрофановна", ведущие Сергей Исаков и Геннадий Зыков сразу погружают зрителя в расслабленную деревенскую атмосферу. Смотрите, слушайте и наслаждайтесь!
Для Вас будут петь: Ансамбль "Митрофановна", Владимир Опарин, Сергей Ижукин, Людмила Весельская, трио " Цветень " , "Пташица", ансамбль "Веселуха", Александр Устьянцев.
The All-Russian festival of harmonists "Visiting Mitrofanovna" is held with full halls in the Sosnovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region.
The Kremenkul House of Culture was the first to receive musicians from all over Russia. They were welcomed by the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk region. The ensemble "Mitrofanovna", the presenters Sergey Isakov and Gennady Zykov immediately immerse the viewer in a relaxed village atmosphere. Watch, listen and enjoy!
The following singers will sing for you: The ensemble "Mitrofanovna", Vladimir Oparin, Sergey Izhukin, Lyudmila Veselskaya, the trio "Tsveten", "Ptashitsa", the ensemble" Veselukha", Alexander Ustyantsev.
The All-Russian festival of harmonists "Visiting Mitrofanovna" is held with full halls in the Sosnovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region.
The Kremenkul House of Culture was the first to receive musicians from all over Russia. They were welcomed by the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk region. The ensemble "Mitrofanovna", the presenters Sergey Isakov and Gennady Zykov immediately immerse the viewer in a relaxed village atmosphere. Watch, listen and enjoy!
The following singers will sing for you: The ensemble "Mitrofanovna", Vladimir Oparin, Sergey Izhukin, Lyudmila Veselskaya, the trio "Tsveten", "Ptashitsa", the ensemble" Veselukha", Alexander Ustyantsev.
ойся ты ойся в гостях у митрофановны