Parallel and Distributed Computing With Julia | Jeff Bezanson | Julia Tutorial MIT 2013

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00:00 Welcome!
00:55 Parallelism we have now is basically multiprocessing
04:35 Example: using object of RemoteRef type
05:40 Question: what is actually in RemoteRef()?
06:09 Question: how to get value from object of RemoteRef() type?
06:39 Question: can you assign value to object of RemoteRef() type or only pull of from it?
06:55 Adding local processes
07:50 remote_call a low level primitive
09:05 Question: what happens when you fetch a value that hasn't been computed?
09:53 Question: are these processes on the local or remote machines?
10:10 Question: to which processor are you talking?
14:19 Question: can we see where parts of distributed array actually are?
15:37 Current state of distributed arrays
16:05 Question: is the information about one process available to other process?
17:08 Question: what is sent between processes?
18:08 Question: can you talk to different processors in your REPL (shell)?
18:57 Question: can you run things asynchronously and then be told which one is finished without waiting for it?
20:29 Question: what is the equivalent of MPI_Barrier?
21:03 Question: can you implement MPI model on top of what we have now?
22:40 Question: can you make reductions?
25:47 Question: do you have a generic sum function?
27:59 Question: can you do the same by adding a method to reduce?
28:44 By default you can use things from module Base, but you can't change them
30:37 Question: do you have preduce (parallel reduce) function?
30:58 Question: how do you operate on multiple distributed arrays?
32:11 Question: can you do something like reshaping the operator?
33:13 Question: how hard it will be to create data frames in Julia?
34:03 Working with a distributed array
35:27 Question about some parallel functionality

Рекомендации по теме

I have now researching how Julia can be used in Parallel and Distributed Computers Systems. This is very important to me because I also design and develop Big Data Applications (Cloud based, Web based, and Desktop based, in addition to Network based). Thanks to Jeff Bezanson and all the other contributors to Julia.

Kindest regards,
VonVictor Valentino Rosenchild


In julia 0.3 @async generates a "Task".... it would be nice to have update to this video.


I watch it in 2019 and I wonder how much of this is still relevant and how much change in Julia 1.x?


Is there a way to change the number of processors from within julia?


title is irrelevant to the content, where is the parallel?
