Mitsubishi Zero Pass By Sound Recording

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Pole Position Production recording the sound of an authentic WWII Mitsubishi Zero A6M5. Footage by Marcus Roos.

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Radials sound so bloody brutal, It's like the engine is ripping the air apart


Amazing audio, thanks for sharing. History preserved.


I'm a brit. The spitfire is a point of pride for us. First time we flew against the zero, we lost because the pilots were so blindsided by the fact that something could beat the spitfire in a turn fight.


Never in my life I thought I'd see a zero flying over a desert


Her voice is more beautiful than jet planes... I'm a fan ❤️


When you inherit a vehicle from your grandfather, but there is a nuance..


Try to not scare your post-Pacific great-grandpa while watching this video.


Imagine hearing that back in pearl harbor 1941


Love me some Pole Position!!! Great sound guys, watch for snakes haha!!!


That's just weird, I was expecting the that the Sakae is so well known for! This one is eerily silent up until it was perpendicular to the camera and immediately skips right onto the part of it!
I'm guessing that's why you chose this venue to get clean samples along the whole runway?
Thanks to your recordings we'll still have great Sakae sounds for movies/doco's and simulators, well after any remaining original Sakae engine is past safe use.

Also the way he pulled up and broke left... Usually they just crank it and "wee zero yeeey", but this pilot was almost gliding it. Very reminiscent of how the top IJN pilots very likely flew it, with a nice touch!
I remember seeing a video where this same Zero had a bit of altitude, standing the wingtips straight up and down doing a sort of "sideways stall" while pulling a right turn, but silky smooth, no visible yanking/corrections, bizarre maneuver!
I'm guessing he's reading the manuals and trying to do an authentic profile with the same maneuvers they did back in the day, as I understand they were taught with a variety of courses for each type of maneuver in order to instill the basic skills to wring everything they could out of the Zero.

War is senseless, and the way IJ started and waged it = I'm not a fan.
BUT, I am a huge fan of the A6M, the way it was flown (by the real pro's), and how a recently modernized but technologically inferior nation cumulatively came up with the stuff that, allthough inferior, made the A6M so competitive that despite being an interim design until the A7M Reppu could be made, the U.S were actually sweating and had to re-design their entire carrier fighter corps, pulling all stops with twice the engine power to handily beat the A6M.
The metals and skilled construction methods used, the idea of control cables stretching under high load to avoid overstressing the aircraft.

Wish I was somehow involved in keeping these things alive in some way or another, I'd get right onto a crew for scanning and reproducing the Sakae with government subsidy (historical reasons) & warbird community funding.
Then there's producing all the outer skin & framework for fuselage and wings, very hard to shape, I'm certain this process can be automated.
If 10 planes for each main iteration (Model 2, 3 and 5) could be made, along with the spare parts for future support, for interested private buyers/collectors, with the stipulation it has to be available for documentaries/historical movies, the Zero's legacy and historical significance could be well cemented for the future.


Tomanaga's the best we've got!


Lindo ronco do motor, maravilhoso som!!!


looks hungry, feed him some f4f wildcats.


the way its so quiet right up until the point it passes by is so weird


“Ah, shit! You hear that? Enemy Zeros incoming!
