How to use a Refractometer to check moisture content

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After extracting raw honey last week, this week it seemed important to highlight the use of a refractometer. As beekeepers, it's our responsibility to make sure the moisture content in the honey is low or the product may ferment.

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Love the videos been sharing with our grandkids.


Just because the honey is capped doesn't mean it is below 18%. In humid periods it can be up to 21% or higher so always check the moisture level before you extract. I put a box fan over a stack of supers in a room with a dehumidifier and make sure it is 17% or lower. Commercial beeks don't worry about cappings, they just put the honey in a drying room with fans and then extract.


My two honey harvests had 13% as a minimum and 16, 5% maximum watercontent. In Germany, we have two regulations for the Water content, one allows 20% max. and the one of the German Beekeepers Association ("Deutscher Imkerbund") restricts the maximum content of water to 18%. This way, the highest honey quality is guaranteed to the customer. Good luck with beekeeping.


Something obvious i want to pass on thoe not often mentioned is If you rob early in the day before the bees have filled uncapped cells with wet necter you can get away with having more open cells, but this makes having a refractometre vital so you can sleep at night with peace of mind.


Thank you for emphasizing moisture. I now have 3 refractometers because I didn't pay attention to the type. I.e. moisture. This all happened 4 years ago. I remember that the first one was for sugar content. Don't remember what the second one was, it might have been salt content. Sugar content kind of made sense. It is honey.


So looking forward to reading your book, knowledge is priceless! I’m just North of you in the Danville/Mohican area.


Ive had some this year around 17.5% and others down near 16.5%. The refractometer is a very handy tool. Ok, ok. Once you read the book, it'll be 2026. . Lol


I pulled some supers yesterday and moisture was a touch over 18% average. I have the dehumidifier running and following your tip, I will get it down to 17%. Thanks Jason.


Jason I have never used one. Although I do make certain to never harvest uncapped honey cells.
I know people who have had honey ferment but I generally only produce about 30 gallons or less.
But actually I had never given much thought to moisture content I have never had a problem.


Now if someone could make a pollen moisture checker that's cheaper than $2K. To dry pollen safely the moisture content should be around 4%, so I've read on multiple sites.


I have same Refractometer, according to instructions you have to recalibrate everytime temp changes 5°, im constantly having to recalibrate it. Weird thing, i checked a frame of capped at 18.5% and same box had uncapped at 17.5%. I was told 19.5% or higher would ferment. I just checked some in a jar from 2022 and was 23%. Taste fine and looks fine. Id like to get a good digital one but they are $350. Whats your thoughts on my findings? Thank you for doing these videos


Hi Jason: If I have uncapped honey in a frame I test it with my refactor meter. But my honey always comes out around fourteen. When I test before bottling it is the same. Is this a bad thing? I always make sure sure I calibrated the refractamete using olive oil.


How did you calibrate your refractometer?


Good morning Jason.🌻🐝 I'm a better beekeeper thank to your videos. Congratulations on your book. I can't wait to read it. I harvest a bit of honey this year. We slipped out 4 deep frames that had beautiful capped honey. I got 16pints. Thank you for sharing your videos.


Also it says calibrate with extra virgin olive oil and brix should read 71.5, ive yet to see any honey below 17.5% on moisture side. Maybe mine is inaccurate


Thanks for all you do. Have a great week.
