Two-time award winner Blackhawk BBQ Pit at the Eastern Idaho State Fair

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#eatsidahonews #EasternIdahoStateFair

Blackhawk BBQ Pit swept the 2024 "Fairest of Them All — Entrée" and "People's Choice Award" for best fair food at the Eastern Idaho State Fair. Owner Nic Transtrum fills us in on the secret of their success.

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Why didn't he show any of the food???


Was this a professional competition only? Or was this an open in which people who do this food professionally won out over the enthusiast in his backyard? If it wasn't categorized as professional and then another category for non-professionals, how fair is that? That's one reason I don't join photography clubs, for instance - because they become dominated by the folks who have the time and money to pursue photography professionally and the rest are simply allowed to be there. It becomes a marketing tool, not a place to find camaraderie around an interest. EIN could have explained the category a bit.

And I agree with @lukesic-xd8ds. EIN could have put in a bit of footage showing their booth or their food instead of this guy poorly lit and seemingly shot on his way out of the fairgrounds.
