How to pitch Nordisk Utgard

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How to pitch Nordisk Utgard!
Utgard 13.2 is the closest you will get to living in a real house – outdoors. There is room for up to 6 people sleeping and the square shape makes it optimal for glamping décor.

In this video, we will show you how to pitch the Utgard cotton tent perfectly.

The story behind the name
Home of the Giants

Utgard (Útgarðar) means ‘Outyards’ and was in old Norse mythology a stronghold of the giants situated in Jotunheim (Jötunheimr). Utgard was ruled by Loke (Útgarða-Loki), a great and devious giant, who fought Thor in a rigged competition held in the Outyards. Utgard is the final of the three worlds connected to Yggdrasil, which apart from Utgard consists of Asgard, the home of the gods, and Midgard, home of the humans.


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