Blender 2.8 (Walk Tutorial) Flip/Mirror Animations In 20 Seconds!

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Here's how you mirror animations in Blender 2.8! Also, as a bonus I've added a walk tutorial animation to show a practical use for animation flipping. Hope it helps!

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- Royal Skies -
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Trying to do some simple single frame animations as a complete beginner and this probably saved me over an hour, comparing to last time I tried to make a pose library ... Thanks!


Blender seemed like an unreachable skill to have but you singlehandedly fixed that way of thinking with how easy you make animations. I'm pretty blind when it comes to art and the way the world moves. Having you break things down like this makes it so easy to learn. I actually did my first animation which only took a few minutes if that. Thanks for making these videos.


From a MAYA user to a fellow Maya user like you, I like to say thank you 🙏 now I can say good bye MAYA


im teaching myself bledner and your tutorials have helped me tremendously these past few weeks, thank you!!!🙌🏾🙌🏾💞💘💖


Always love that satisfying "You're done" part


Dude your videos are great. You waste no time, and make the Blender life a lot easier. Thanks!


remember to check the roll of your bones in edit mode as well as their names (.L and .R naming conventions are required) if pasting flipped keyframes isn't working as expected. enabling x mirror in edit mode for your armature and fixing bone roll manually (resetting to 0 in most cases) should fix the issue, as it did for me


thank you so much, as my first was animation was crappy and i didn't even know that i could've used delta transform to move animated pose and i spent a lot of time on that. Finally, this makes animation much easier, thanks a lot.


Better than I expected based on my search, more than I asked for in a short tutorial <3


so much time spent nowhere till I watch this... where have you been? xDD


If anyone's having problems with the flip-paste giving you weird movements, it took me a day or two to find out how to fix it (at least for myself):

Going into Edit mode and making sure all the bones Roll is at 0 (select them all then Alt + R) mostly fixed it though the arms would flail around, to fix that I changed the Roll for the left shoulder FIK to 180 in a attempt to off-set it and it now works perfectly!

I don't know much else other than that so do try this if you have problems like I described and best of luck with your 3D shenanigans!

EDIT: I noticed the elbow was constantly looking away from the roll-fix so I went to Pose Mode > Constraints on the forearm and changed the angle to 180 degrees and that fixed it!


Oh my god thank you, i was googling around and people were saying its not possible and the only way to do it is by copying each value separately. This will make things a lot easier


i followed your tutorial, if you look closely it looks like the character is stomping the floor, to solve this tilt the body sligtly towards the foot wich is touching the ground and it will look a lot more real :D


dude you are a GOD! absolutely the best tutorial videos I've ever seen. thank you so so much!!


Thank you so much. This saved so much of my time.


Thank you very much---such excellent, to-the-point videos. You're the best on YouTube.


Please make tutorial on who to control camera


Lol. Pretty decent walk cycle for such a small effort. Thumb up!


Thank you for the short and to the point tutorial. I have a pretty short attention span and can't focus on long tutorials so this is perfect for me :)


If u go to keying bottom left screen above timeline u can select lockrotscail and just hit I and it will save time as well as auto keyframing.. u can tap a to select everything as well.
