Andrey Sitnik, CRDT: Conflict-free Data Types for Collaborative Editing and Offline-First - NEJSCONF

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Atom Editor uses CRDT for Teletype. Redis announced CRDT support. CRDT becomes more popular because right now we have more and more real-time applications. Andrey Sitnik, the creator of Logux and PostCSS, will explain CRDT. Why it is important for modern web apps. How to use it. And what is CRDT limits and problems?

You can’t use Ajax to connect to a third-party api because of CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Scripting). This means that building Snowmaha using only JavaScript is impossible unless some server-side code handles the request to the third-party api. Someone with above-average devops knowledge could setup a Lamda function and enable CORS for your site, but most people aren’t interested in learning how to use AWS Lamda, and why should they be? It has a horribly complex UX! Netlify Functions simplifies the process and sets up CORS for you. Now your site can make an Ajax request through Functions to Lamda and all of a sudden developers that only know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are building “serverless” applications with the power of server-side functionality.

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