Approximate Solutions - The Galerkin Method

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Finding approximate solutions using The Galerkin Method. Showing an example of a cantilevered beam with a UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOAD.
Governing Equations: Weak Forms vs Strong Forms:
The Ritz Method:
0:00 Introduction
1:00 The Method of Weighted Residuals
8:14 The Galerkin Method - Explanation
13:37 Orthogonal Projection of Error
20:49 The Galerkin Method - Step-By-Step
23:26 Example: Cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load using Galerkin's Method - Shape Functions
28:53 Example: Cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load using Galerkin's Method - Solving for the Constants
31:22 Example: Cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load using Galerkin's Method - Solution
32:57 Quick recap
Governing Equations: Weak Forms vs Strong Forms:
The Ritz Method:
0:00 Introduction
1:00 The Method of Weighted Residuals
8:14 The Galerkin Method - Explanation
13:37 Orthogonal Projection of Error
20:49 The Galerkin Method - Step-By-Step
23:26 Example: Cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load using Galerkin's Method - Shape Functions
28:53 Example: Cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load using Galerkin's Method - Solving for the Constants
31:22 Example: Cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load using Galerkin's Method - Solution
32:57 Quick recap
Approximate Solutions - The Galerkin Method
Galerkin Method
Approximate Solutions - The Ritz Method
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