I used to look like this…

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Are you waking up with a puffy face and don't know why? In this video, we’ll explore the causes of puffy face syndrome or fat face syndrome, how to identify facial bloating, and the best ways to reduce face puffiness naturally. Whether it’s due to water retention, inflammation, high cortisol, or other health factors, you’ll discover simple tips and remedies to get rid of a swollen face. From natural de-puffing techniques to understanding the connection between diet and facial swelling, this video has all you need to know to get your face back to normal.

Check out these 5 tips to help you get rid of a puffy, high-cortisol face!
One of the most common symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome is a “moon face.” Cushing’s syndrome is characterized by high levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Chronic high cortisol over a period of time can cause fat face syndrome. It can also be caused by the drug Prednisone.

Cortisol can redistribute fat to different parts of the body, causing you to store fat in the face and the midsection. Over time, it can cause a hump on the back, red cheeks, thinner legs, and weak muscles in the legs and buttocks.

0:00 Introduction: How to get rid of a fat face
0:25 Cushing’s syndrome
1:14 High cortisol symptoms
2:09 What causes moon face?
4:10 What triggers insulin?
6:27 How to get rid of high cortisol face

Your cholesterol and lipids may rise, and you’ll start losing potassium and retaining sodium. This sends your blood pressure straight up, vitamin D levels decrease, and your immune system suffers.

Cortisol indirectly causes a puffy face by breaking down protein and turning it into glucose. This spikes insulin, a fat-storing hormone. In the presence of too much insulin, you won't be able to lose fat.

Carbohydrates, frequent eating, seed oils, nutrient deficiencies, stress, overexercising, and certain medications also trigger insulin.

Try these 5 tips to reshape your face.

1. Eat less frequently
Cut out the snacks between the meals and do intermittent fasting. This forces your body to use body fat as fuel between meals.

2. Change your diet
Cut down your carb intake, specifically avoiding sugar and starch. Print my card cutout that shows you the ingredients to avoid!

3. Increase protein
Look for high-quality grass-fed meat such as beef, lamb, or goat.

4. Lower stress levels
Go for long walks, exercise, and do physical work. Avoid excessive phone use.

5. Try to get extra sleep
Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Even if you wake up early, try to go back to sleep if possible!

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients, so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose, and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Thanks for watching! I hope these tips help you get rid of fat face syndrome! I’ll see you in the next video.
Рекомендации по теме

I do appreciate and prefer getting health advice from someone who looks healthy


I love when Dr. Berg tells stories of how he had these same issues and fixed them himself!
Thanks Dr. Berg!!


Watching too many Dr Berg videos has already drastically reshapped my face!!! 😮


I wish i could send you a pic of my face from 4 mos. ago and one from this week. The change is so dramatic! I also lost 18 lbs. from just cutting that out alone. I'm a 56 yo woman. I gave up sugar and seed oils. I look 10 years younger! After seeing the results, I'm never going back!! Thank you Dr. Berg ❤


Not 30 minutes ago, I noticed how unpleasantly round my face is. I'm grateful for this timely video


I had the moon face in my late forties, when I started menopause. Had to change my diet and get more walking, more meditation and more healthy foods. I am good now. Happy Weekend Everyone!🏆🙋🏽🏆🙋🏽


Seriously one of the BEST transformations! I look back over your old videos and it’s shocking to me every time! Hard core proof of your wisdom, knowledge and continued education!


Thank you Dr Berg! This is a great video breaking down processes. I’ve changed SO MANY things in my life & for me the biggest one was stress reduction. I no longer work 60-80 hrs a week & take 5-7 mile walks daily instead. Yes my income is down but my life is much better!


I don’t think I have ever watched a more important video 🙏 wow… I’m tearing 😢up right now. I really want to do this. I want to change I really do. I want to eat better. I want my husband to eat better. I was on Keto before it was the best thing ever. Why why did I stop. I felt so good! Give me a shout out that I am not alone and that we can do this and start changing one day at a time together! 🙏🙏🙏❤️‍🩹


I'm 50, i know about medicine and think that you are great, no doctor i can find personnally that give me good advices like you .thanks


Dr. Berg was very handsome before he reshaped his face. He's STILL very handsome. I kinda liked it better before, but if he's happy, we're happy.


This is an excellent video! I used to have metabolic syndrome and switched to the Mediterranean diet, ditched the standard American diet, and all my vitals normalized.


Great presentation!
Dr. Berg is funny talking about his face. 😂
Solution starts at 6:30


I love what that supposedly 500 year old Chinese herbalist said about longevity lifestyle: "Sit like a tortoise, sleep like a dog, walk sprightly like a pigeon, and above all, keep your heart free of troubles."


Ohhh...Dear Dr Berg i really dont know what you say. You are not just giving us good health advice. You are actually treating us on a spiritual level.
And the synchronicity is very very serendipitous!
Im taking predesinone since 3 years for autoimmune disorder known as pamphigus vulgaris. The steroid is now responsible for all my disorders now including mid section fat puffy face high blood sugars and depression not to say low levels of magnesium and D
Everything is interconnected as you have told us.
How the hell do i get rid of the predesinone.
Thanks for your excellent advice.
May Allah bless you always 😊


Hello sir, you r my favourite doctor. Kindly make a video on
1. how to keep vains & arteries helthy
2. Importance of lymphatic system
3. How to reverse blockage of arteries (example if artries have 50% blockage how to bring it to 30%)


This is a great video, I took a lot of prednisone myself due to inflammation in my body, couldn’t believe how chubby I became and the weight gain was horrible, great informative video doc!


Your videos really brought the importance of health into my life. I cut out sugar in may. Currently, it's spetember, and I'm down 24 pounds! Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to losing more!


I had the round face and belly fat. It takes dedication to yourself to bring your body back to what it is suppose to look like and feeling great. Im half way there. I was always slim and full of energy, no sickness until I reached 50, then I slowly gained weight, at 60 blood pressure went up, potassium low sometimes to the point I had to go for intravenous to get my potassium levels to normal. Pre diabetic and cholesterol elevated. I thought want is going on. Then I found you Dr Berg about a year ago. Have watched lots of streams from you and others like Dr Ken Berry. At 68 and I feel younger. Fat face in gone, energy back, loosing weight, was 198 pounds, now 170, only 30 pounds to go. Thanks for all your great information. You are one of the great ones!!


Thank you for EVERYTHING you share. The lives you have changed is beyond amazing!
