Goran Šarić - „Poreklo Bošnjaka“ / “The Origin of Bosniaks”
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Predavanje Gorana Šarića, katoličkog teologa i istoričara, na temu „Poreklo Bošnjaka“ (31. 8. 2021)
Predavanje o poreklu bošnjaka Šarić je otvorio rečima Anta Starčevića koji kaže da je u Bosni najoholije plemstvo što je Evropa ikad imala. „To plemstvo, muhamedovci, ima takvu ćud za gospodariti da je ono u 15. vijeku istu veru žrtvovalo svojemu gospodaru. (...)“. Naime, sa dolaskom Turaka, veliki broj ljudi sa tih prostora primilo je islam kako bi preživelo ili pak imalo bolji život. Šarić tvrdi kako se i u samom izgledu muslimana iz Bosne vide ostaci plemstva.
Predavanje ovog intrigantnog katoličkog teologa zasnovano je na brojnim zapisima, fotografijama iskopina, citatima i slično koje govore o međusobnoj povezanosti naroda sa ovih prostora koji pripadaju trima različitim konfesijama.
Lecture by Goran Šarić, Catholic theologian and historian, on the topic "The Origin of Bosniaks" (August 31, 2021)
Šarić opened the lecture on the origin of Bosniaks with the words of Ante Starcevic, who says that Bosnia had the most arrogant nobility that Europe has ever had. "That nobility, the Mohammedans, had such a desire to rule that in the 15th century they sacrificed the faith to stay in power. (...) '. Namely, with the arrival of the Turks, many people from those areas converted to Islam in order to survive or have a better life. Šarić claims that the remnants of the nobility can be seen in the very appearance of the Muslims from Bosnia.
The lecture of this intriguing Catholic theologian is based on numerous records, photographs of excavations, and quotations. It speaks of the interconnectedness of the people from these areas who belong to three different religious denominations.
Predavanje o poreklu bošnjaka Šarić je otvorio rečima Anta Starčevića koji kaže da je u Bosni najoholije plemstvo što je Evropa ikad imala. „To plemstvo, muhamedovci, ima takvu ćud za gospodariti da je ono u 15. vijeku istu veru žrtvovalo svojemu gospodaru. (...)“. Naime, sa dolaskom Turaka, veliki broj ljudi sa tih prostora primilo je islam kako bi preživelo ili pak imalo bolji život. Šarić tvrdi kako se i u samom izgledu muslimana iz Bosne vide ostaci plemstva.
Predavanje ovog intrigantnog katoličkog teologa zasnovano je na brojnim zapisima, fotografijama iskopina, citatima i slično koje govore o međusobnoj povezanosti naroda sa ovih prostora koji pripadaju trima različitim konfesijama.
Lecture by Goran Šarić, Catholic theologian and historian, on the topic "The Origin of Bosniaks" (August 31, 2021)
Šarić opened the lecture on the origin of Bosniaks with the words of Ante Starcevic, who says that Bosnia had the most arrogant nobility that Europe has ever had. "That nobility, the Mohammedans, had such a desire to rule that in the 15th century they sacrificed the faith to stay in power. (...) '. Namely, with the arrival of the Turks, many people from those areas converted to Islam in order to survive or have a better life. Šarić claims that the remnants of the nobility can be seen in the very appearance of the Muslims from Bosnia.
The lecture of this intriguing Catholic theologian is based on numerous records, photographs of excavations, and quotations. It speaks of the interconnectedness of the people from these areas who belong to three different religious denominations.