DO NOT wait in the menu of Pizza Tower or else this happens...

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If you sit and wait in the menu in Pizza Tower something very scary happens... Why did i listen to you guys?! Bijuu Mike Plays Pizza Tower Episode 2

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i feel like i go so slow in this game but i really want to get better lol


its funny how nobody mentions Pizzaface's nose turning from a tomato into a mushroom, keeping the mushroom for the rest of the game


Here's the thing, I personally think that in your first playthrough of Pizza Tower, you shouldn't really stress about going super fast and doing everything perfectly.
In this game, each level can be "P Ranked", which requires keeping a full combo throughout the level, finding all the secrets, unlocking and collecting the treasure, and doing 2 laps, all in a single run (in fact I'm pretty sure the Lap 2 Portals exist just so you can get P Ranks). This is meant to be done AFTER you complete the main game, getting P Ranks is all about learning the layout of the levels perfectly and mastering the movement.
Your first playthrough should just be you going at your own pace, enjoying the amazing visuals and level design, and just having a fun time. But that's just what I think, play however you want! Can't wait for the next episode.


My best tips to give are to take the game at your own pace, you will get more comfortable with speed as you play. Another tip is to not always hold the mach run down at all times, especially during bosses. It can be very difficult to keep yourself from sliding out of control and it is noticeably easier to control your movement while not running.


some tips/awnsers to questions

21:46 those unlock at the end of the game, dont worry about them cause youll see them on every floor
as most of the other comments are saying, go at your own pace and probobly dont hold down the run button all the time, its much easyre to controll yourself
7:43 those face blocks can only be broken when you hit the face
touching lava does not count as being hurt (it dosnt take away points)
9:14 going into secrets pauses the timer
20:04 the janitors name is gerome, john is the pillar at the end of the levels
9:59 his name is gustavo, i dont remember how hes related to peppino other than they kind of work as a team in future levels


I like it when Peppino's live reaction is always changing during pizza time.


Play the game at a natural pace (whatever you have fun with), I personally went through the game slow at first to find the secrets and such, so when I replayed it later to get a better score I knew where everything was and could go fast.


Just to let you know Pizzaface didn’t destroy Peppino’s restaurant, he just said he will if Peppino can’t stop him


The lore: Peppino spaghetti (yes that is his name) owns a restaurant called peppino's pizza, but his business isn't going well, because another restaurant next to his, the pizza tower, is way better than his, one day, Peppino is greeted by the owner of the pizza tower, pizzaface (yes he's an pizza with toppings as a face) pizza face tells Peppino that he's gonna blow up his restaurant with a giant laser from the pizza tower, now peppino has to climb through every level of the pizza tower to get to the top and stop pizzaface and his evil plans.

Also the guy that is being chased by the rat in floor 1 is named gustavo, he's another pizza place owner that got lost in the pizza tower, eventually, him and peppino became friends


Ok just some tips
- When certain criteria is met Pepino will get some lighting sprites around him, this is your clue as for when super taunt can be made (a screen nuke to kill everything on sight)
- Taunting on air gets you more air time, this is specially useful for bosses if you misjumped
- To climb on wall with tight spaces just dash and mach run, this will automatically do it you don't have to dash each time to climb
- Lap 2 is only for higher scores, most of the time this is the only way to get S ranks (which also requieres you to do pretty much everything in every level [5 Toppings, 3 Secrets, Gerome opening the door]) but here's the more important tip
- There's a secret rank which is P rank (stands for perfect or pizza whichever way you want to look at it) which is just S rank with one added condition, never lose your combo for the ENTIRE level, as soon as you kill your first enemy you can't let this combo die or else you'll just get S rank, all levels were designed for this in mind but it will be extremely difficult and asks for you to be already experienced with the movement of the game so it would be cool to see you keep playing after you're done with your first playthrough :> (Bosses can also be P ranked but only require you to not get hit)


The pizza didn't blow up his pizzaria. He told Pepino the plan, and that's why he is in the Pizzatower to stop his plans


some tips:
-Sliding (grab + crouch) is the fastest way to start a mach run

-Taunt is usefull for enemies with sharp weapons (forks, swords) when you don't have enough speed to run over them

-Turn around on drops to fall without climbing the wall in front of you. Alternatively you can press the opposite direction from where you are running and grab during a mach run in midair to completely stop your momentum.

-Watch P rank videos to see how to get better at the game


And this game has P ranks
P ranks for bosses:no hit
P ranks for level:one combo form beginning to the end then, find 3 secrets(the eyes), then you need to find the dude that holding a key then go to his room, final enter a portal for lap2


When running through the level, always turn instead of diving unless its a short wall obstacle that is more reliable to dive instead.

Also I suggest watching a few speedruns of the first level to understand the grasp of being fast.


lap 2 is mainly for P-ranking a level
which is kind of hard so maybe only do that when you've gotten used to the games controls

also P-rank is different than an S-rank even though the S-rank results screen says perfect


This is one of those games that makes you feel like you've never played a videogame before during your first hour or two. I was playing just like this when I first started out, but now I'm halfway through grinding all of the best ranks and achievements in the game (John Gutter in under 2 minutes is actually really fun), once the movement finally clicks and you begin to see how the levels are designed for you to chain it all together makes you feel like a god


Here's a tip: if you want to instantly get to Mach 3, grab, hold down, then hold the run button. It'll help alot if you're struggling to get speed quickly


Heres’s a bunch of info that will help you through the rest of the game

Doing certain things give you different clothes to change peppino’s apron. (Kill so many enemies, Get hurt so many times (The apron you got), and doing specific things in levels.)

Going into secret levels stops the pizza time timer. So you can take your time inside them.

S Ranks are not the highest rank, its actually P Ranks. P Ranks are obtained by getting all toppins, all secrets, the janitor door, and lap 2 completed. These are the same requirements as S rank, but what makes P rank special is you need to have keep a combo from the first room in the level to when you escape, if you lose that combo, you lose your P Rank.

You can P Rank boss fights by no-hitting them.

If you haven’t figured it out by now, secrets and other things can be hidden behind seemingly normal looking walls that you can actually break through.

Ranks do nothing, they’re only there for completionists.

Combos work in a very interesting way. The way combos work is they take 6.5 seconds to go away. You can retain your combo by killing enemies, collecting mini toppings, collecting big toppings, freeing caged toppins, finding the janitor, destroying pillar john, and collect the secret treasure in the janitor’s room. You combo meter slowly depletes overtime. Getting hit by an enemy halves your combo meter, so you if your meter isn’t very high, damage can ruin your combo. Falling into pits doesn’t effect your combo though.

This took a while to write out so I would appreciate it if you saw this!


Taunting normally will parry ANY AND ALL incoming damage. Its Peppino's "im not going to sugarcoat it" ability.
The super taunt will clear all enemies on the screen


when it comes to avoiding taking damage from enemies, all you really have to do is approach them from above or ram them at high speeds. when you’re fast enough, enemies will become vulnerable and let their guard down. no need to grab enemies if you’re running at mach speeds!
