Tyler1 on Illaoi being BROKEN

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Illaoi counters sylas in everyway lol. Her ult is useless for him because it relies on her passive and w to really work and then he's a dive champ that has to wait on cooldowns


I like how everyone’s masterful advice on how to beat illaoi is “leave” what great champion design lol


I don’t exactly consider Illaoi broken but I will say she represents a really annoying and unfun trend of champion design that is essentially just “they win when they have ult and they’ll have ult every time you get back to lane” no matter just how impactful the ult can be. Imo ults should only be up every fight at level 16, you shouldn’t have to worry about an execute or an instant “I win this 2 v 1” button every single time you try to fight a champion. Any champion who’s counter play is to not interact with them is already a flawed design imo.


Luckily I play Poppy and can just ult her 3 miles away when she ults


close range battle mage losing to illaoi? thats crazy, who could have known


u dodge her E and engage but E is back in 3 sec (2 by the time u reach her) and then she just wins, atleast thats how it feels when u play against her


illaoi has such a god awful champ design. the only way you win against her is to use 200% of your brain and dodge her skillshots, which have ridiculous indicators that are 3 sizes too small for how big they actually are, while having to simultaneously cs and fight back. and all the illaoi player has to do is roll their face on their keyboard and vomit out their abilities the second it comes off cooldown. if you get hit, have fun running away and running back. she ults? run away and run back. actually braindead. champs should be roughly the same in power level but if they're a lot stronger, at least they should be a lot harder (ie. irelia, would say riven but she has no true damage like the rest of the champs in the game and does peanuts damage even if played perfectly). and that's the problem with illaoi, the opponent has to be a god and play every second perfectly, slip for even a moment and they lose lane while the illaoi player can be a monkey for all we know and still win and even if they don't get the kill, the cs lead becomes significant real fast. and she happens to be countered by another uninteractive champ whose whole kit is run away and run back (yorick. i actually play him for the sole reason of countering illaoi. still weirdge riot designed a whole champ about pressing a few buttons to trap the opponent and then you waltz away and watch them die)


Her entire counter play is “don’t fight her”. How is that honestly fun for anyone involved


Any person that mains a champ thinks their champ is bad, (besides us singed mains we encourage our mains to int to keep his WR respectable so he doesnt get nerfed randomly) illaoi mains have to be delusional to think shes bad, plus "dodge E" is so dumb when she will Q and W spam you while walk away trying to dodge her E that she waits to throw out.


ah yes. consistently dodge the e on a 5 second cooldown throughout the entire game while also making sure youre not hit by her other 2 abilities and her 15 tentacles with broken ass hitboxes. if you get hit by e she does 2/3 of your hp for free and you cant do anything about it except run away and pray you can reach the end of the circle before she kills your ghost. oh, also no matter how many times you kill her or how behind she is, she will always do insane amounts of damage and have insane amounts of healing. very fun.



But it's pretty true, somewhat, she AUTO wins lane if you pick her into a huge amount of matchups, you don't beat her "walk away or dodge e" is pisslow advise, you lose the lane.

However, you can outperform Illaoi in the long run, and be more useful in teamfights or work to control her throughout the rest of the game. But in terms of landing she wins it in draft most of the time and there's nothing you can do.


I've been banning illoai top for years now because if ur trying to climb ur teamates will die by her.


Just play mordekaiser and ult her when she tries going all in. Shits hilarious


Pick Mordekaiser gainst Illaoi. Ult her whenever she ults so her ult disapears. Countered. Done.


her E is useless if she runs at u trying to hit it, unless she got passive's close to it


if she misses E she is no longer a champion. if she hits an e, dont fight her in it. if she ults, walk away. you literally counter her by right clicking away from her.


How fun would it be if he actually watched that clips again after saying illaoi was SOOO shit and "just dodge e"


I've been saying this since her release


Just have a ranged champ that can kite kill her. Illoais only counter play against that is being turbo fed.


simply pick asol and buld demoinc embrace on it with ludens echo.
