Jaguar Land Rover develops pothole-detecting technology

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Jaguar Land Rover is carrying out research into technology that could potentially detect the locations of potholes in the road and help prevent vehicle damage.

According to Land Rover, damage caused by potholes in the UK each year is estimated at £2.8 billion, meaning there is great potential to save motorists cash with the new advancement.

By monitoring the characteristics of the road surface – be it potholes or broken manhole covers – Jaguar Land Rover’s new system will be able to pinpoint the locations and severity of the road faults. Vehicles will then be able to share the information with other Jaguar Land Rover Vehicles in an attempt to help others avoid them.

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Great, but the main reason councils take ages to fix potholes is rarely because they don't know about them and mostly because they don't want to spend the money. I report them via FIxMyStreet but often they will send someone to assess who then spray marks around it and then it's there's for months. Except now it's marked they will fight tooth and nail any driver who would try to claim money for repairs as a result of damage arising from the road condition.

Britain has some of the worst Road surfaces of any developed country despite the fact that road users pay some of the highest taxes for use of these roads including vehicle VAT, VED and fuel taxation. Loada crap.


also bring this to INDIAN :)) nice joke....
