Αρχαίο Δίον Πιερίας Ancient Dion Pieria

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Βρίσκεται σε κεκλιμένο έδαφος ανάμεσα στις υπώρειες του Ολύμπου και τις ακτές του Αιγαίου. Σχηματίζει περίπου ορθογώνιο και η πολεοδομική διάταξη διαμορφώνεται από δρόμους, ο σημαντικότερος των οποίων είναι πλακοστρωμένος με πλάτος πέντε περίπου μέτρων στον άξονα Βορράς-Νότος, όπου υπάρχουν ανάγλυφα πανοπλιών και σωμάτων. Στη δυτική πλευρά του τετραγώνου διακρίνονται οι θεμελιώσεις καταστημάτων, λουτρών και ανακατασκευασμένου ρωμαϊκού ωδείου.Υπηρξε η κατεξοχήν ιερή πόλη των Μακεδόνων.Για πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία μαρτυρείται το 424 πΧ απ'τον Θουκυδίδη και τελευταία φορά τον 10ο αιώνα μΧ απ'τον αυτοκράτορα Κωνσταντίνο Ζ' Πορφυρογέννητο και στο έργο του "Περί Θεμάτων"
It is located on a sloping ground between the foothills of Olympus and the shores of the Aegean. It forms approximately a rectangle and the urban plan is formed by roads, the most important of which is paved with a width of about five meters on the North-South axis, where there are reliefs of armor and bodies. On the west side of the square are the foundations of shops, baths and a reconstructed Roman conservatory.It was the pre-eminently sacred city of the Macedonians.For the first time in history it is witnessed in 424 BC by Thucydides and last time in the 10th century AD by the emperor Constantine VII "Purple-Born" and in his work "On Themes"
It is located on a sloping ground between the foothills of Olympus and the shores of the Aegean. It forms approximately a rectangle and the urban plan is formed by roads, the most important of which is paved with a width of about five meters on the North-South axis, where there are reliefs of armor and bodies. On the west side of the square are the foundations of shops, baths and a reconstructed Roman conservatory.It was the pre-eminently sacred city of the Macedonians.For the first time in history it is witnessed in 424 BC by Thucydides and last time in the 10th century AD by the emperor Constantine VII "Purple-Born" and in his work "On Themes"