Honda NC700 Ανθηρό-Καλή Κώμη off road

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Κάποιοι ντόπιοι με προειδοποίησαν ότι η διαδρομή ίσως δεν έβγαινε. Η αλήθεια είναι ότι και εγώ απο ένα σημείο και έπειτα δεν πίστευα ότι αυτή η εντελώς παρατημένη διαδρομή θα καταλήγει τελικά στην Καλή Κώμη. Τελικά μας διέψευσε όλους και ταυτόχρονα ήταν φανταστική. Απολαύστε τη!
Some locals warned me that the the road may have fallen. The truth is that even I, from one point on, did not believe that this completely abandoned route would eventually end up in Kali Komi. In the end she proved us all wrong and was fantastic at the same time. Enjoy it!
Some locals warned me that the the road may have fallen. The truth is that even I, from one point on, did not believe that this completely abandoned route would eventually end up in Kali Komi. In the end she proved us all wrong and was fantastic at the same time. Enjoy it!