2017 NEC Motorhome & Caravan show Highlights

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Some highlights of the NEC Motorhome & Caravan show 2017.
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Diane and I were winners of a pair of your tickets to the show, went along today (Sunday) and we had a good visit, thanks.
Been before so knew what to expect at the show, but have never attended on a Sunday, it seems to be more relaxed atmosphere as the show draws to the end.
Mind you were very tempted on a new Coachman and may part with some cash and get one, ready for next season.
Lot of colds and flu around at the moment, you're working yourself too hard Dan, hope you get over it quickly.
It's shame you didn't get to see much at NEC, get some time away in the van to recuperate and come back refreshed.


We could make it to the NEC this year Dan so thanks for what you did manage to post.


Morning Dan,  We all went up on Saturday and went armed with my camera ready to a Vlog,  even recorded the introduction before we set off.   As soon as we walked in though I was totally overwhelmed with all the people and felt all self conscious recording with other people around so i didn't record a single thing!  !! Our own fault so next year I'm going to come up in the week and meet up with you guys.   Thought it was great though,   came away with a few ideas of how to modify my own camper and loved the cooking demos next to the Cadac stand!  Hope you had a great weekend and are on the mend.   All the best GJ.


They should have a day at the show just for you and the family Dan. As I understand it, you've done more for caravan and motorhome sales than any other!


Hi Dan, I am sorry Tina and I missed meeting both yourself and Andrew. We had completed our purchase of a new caravan ready for us to live in it and travel early next year. We left midday so hopefully we will catch up with you both in the future. Hope you feel better soon, nothing worse than Man Flu!


Hope you're feeling better soon Dan :)


Yay the Pear Honey! I really liked the live video! :) Hope you feel better soon.:)


was there on Wednesday but couldn't find you. wanted to say thanks for tickets. john


Sadly we didnt see you but dod go looking 😁


We visited the show today, and to be honest we were a tad disappointed. Accessories superstore no better than the one at white arches and far too busy. Kids had a blast looking around the millionaires motor homes but I doubt we will return. The camping and outdoor show at the Excel is far better.


We'll Mr.Trudgian I finally got to meet you and say thank you in person. Its a day that was very special to me and I certainly could not have imagined it happening when I very first saw your videos. Thank you so much for all you have done for me...and Rich, which was to give us hope in my darkest days. I wish you better my friend and try to get some rest. You and Andrew work so hard for our community but don't beat yourself up about not Vlogging. Its much more important to look after yourself and get yourself well - Lin xx


Suppose it's a good thing that you're being kept so busy Dan. Hope the dreaded flu passes quickly.
Take 👍


Disappointed to hear that you have not been able to provide your usual vlogs from the nec. I appreciate that you now have a new life style and demands on your time working for other operators. However, don’t forget the thousands of followers that you have. Hopefully, next year you will take some extra vitamin tablets to avoid the dreaded man flu and be back to your best. Looking forward to next weeks vlogs. Get well soon.


Well done Dan you and the family worked hard to show us what you good. Hope your feeling better now x


That's what becomes of being famous now Dan everyone else wants your time, get well soon '


I Hope you soon recover from that dreadful man flu!!


Roll on next year and hopefully il shout abit louder so I could shake your hand and say how we love your vlogs I saw you Wednesday morning as you and your boss (wife) were diving into the press office
