Visualizing sorting algorithms in python (tutorial): Part 3

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This video series shows how the Python programming language can be used to generate movies that visualize the steps taken by algorithms

In particular this multi-part series will look at generating the array accesses taken by two sorting algorithms, the insertion sort and quick sort. It will include an audio generation part that will allow the user to "hear" the sound of sorting.

This video is aimed at undergraduates or anyone interested in STEM subjects or python.

Creating a plot of the unsorted and sorted data using both the insertion sort and quick sort

Creating a class that tracks the state of the data during the sorting algorithms. We then generate an animation of the sorting algorithms and create a movie from the animation (using FFMPEG)


Generating smooth sounding audio that represents the data been accessed by the algorithms and then combining this sound with the previously created movie!

See the following links for visualizations of sorting algorithms:

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dk why youtube recommended you to me, but i enjoyed watching all three tutorials. i barely do any coding and haven't touched much of python, but after watching these tutorials im wanting to get back into it. thx for the inspiration 👍
