What Makes Tifa Such An Amazing Character? | Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

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Let's talk about Tifa in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and why she's as good of a character as she is. From the voice, to the energy, to the care she has for others, she really is one of the best out there. Let me know what you think and make sure to subscribe to the channel for more content!! #tifa #finalfantasy7rebirth

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This same thing happened with my husband! Before we started playing Rebirth he preferred Aerith, but by the end of it he now prefers Tifa for Cloud too! They did an amazing job of building on their relationship and making her so supportive. They have such a beautiful bond. I have always been more of a fan of Tifa since the very beginning because I feel like I can relate to her alot more than Aerith. So that's why she has always resonated with me. And then they just wrote such a beautiful relationship between her and Cloud that you can't help but root for Tifa to be with Cloud. I will say it didn't sit well with me that Aerith confessed to the man she knows her best friend is in love with, and has been in love with since they were kids. So the ending didn't land for me. But other than that I love what they did with the rest of the characters in this game.


I feel like the whole Gongaga scene is a foreshadow of some important key moments in part 3:
1. Sephiroth/Jenova gaslighting Cloud, mind controlling him so he kills Tifa - > Sephinova gaslight Tifa and eventually makes Cloud loses himself completely in NC
2. Cloud keeps vigil on unconscious Tifa - > Tifa taking care of comatose Cloud in Mideel
3. Tifa Lifestream scene - > Cloud Lifestream scene
4. Tifa seeing Sephiroth takes Cloud away - > Tifa saves Cloud from Jen/Seph illusion by helping him to find the real cloud
4. Cloud and Tifa intimate talk and almost kiss - > Cloud and Tifa intimate talk and confirm their feelings without words under the HW.

Tifa in Rebirth is amazing, but her shining moments as one of the main heroines are on part 3. I hope they will make her to be the face of part 3 just like Aerith for Rebirth.


Tifa is what a strong female character in modern media should be - she's smart, selfless, caring, she can show vulnerability and emotion while still being capable and serious, and most of all she can kick some ass. All while not sacrificing her femininity or being insufferable.


Tifa is just awesome. She's easily one of my favorite female video game characters


When it comes to cloud, tifa tends to be the one person that he’s able to open up and be vulnerable with, and you really get to see that after the mako reactor incident in gongaga


Years of playing OG FFVII and I never had a favorite character, until the umpteenth playthrough, and I finally, fully understood Tifa's story. So when Remake came around, I was pumped to see her in action. Every aspect of Tifa is incredible in this Re-series. She's literally perfect.


Tifa truly deserves all the love in the world. I can't wait until the conclusion where she attempts to save Cloud's life.


Tifa has always been my favorite character since I was a kid. Aerith has really stepped up for me in this remake series, but I think Tifa is still my fav. I love how they expanded her character. Tifa might put herself out there with Cloud as you said, but ultimately she’s still incredibly shy.


She really was the stand out character of Rebirth for me. Can't wait for her role Part 3, her being the party leader, Mideel, so much more we are gonna get


Tifa is the stagger machine, hard mode beast


Tifa is one of my most favorite characters of all time, ever since I played the OG in 2001. To me her strength of character and personal growth is something to strive for. I actually experienced somewhat of the opposite going into the Re series. Until Remake I never cared for Aerith. She was nothing to me, I wasn’t even shocked or sad when she died. I just plain didn’t like her. But after Remake and even more with Rebirth I love Aerith. She finally feels like a character to me, she has so much personality, she’s so full of life, and her friendship with Tifa is something you don’t see often in media. Tifa is still my #1 and always will be, but the Re series has been phenomenal with its character writing and depth. This party is now my favorite FF party.


Tifa is the heart of FFVII if you ask me. Aerith is the heroine of the external plot, but that always felt a bit hollow to me. Stories are about the heart in conflict with itself. About the internal plot that underlies the external one, and that role is it is damn good.
The relationship and feelings between her and Cloud, their dynamic, what they mean to each other, and how those things are conveyed in the subtleties of their expressions is so damn good. Aerith is cute, but ultimately she is a red-herring, in the end when it comes to Clouds heart, Tifa serves as the answer to all the questions. It all starts and ends with her. In the OG this was purposefully hidden to make it more of a twist reveal after Aeriths death, but with remake hints of her ultimate importance are strewn throughout the earlier parts of the game.

I feel like with Remake Tifa already stole the show in part 2, which traditionally was supposed to be Aeriths game. I can't wait to see what they'll do when the focus goes to Tifa in part 3. With Tifa being such a kind and empathetic person, watching her face as she loses her best friend, watches thousands die in her mind as a result of her actions, then losing another best friend, and then watching the man she loves and the last anchor to her past slowly lose his grip on reality is just heart breaking.

If they do her story justice in part 3 she could very well end up my favorite character in gaming. What she does there in Mideel and the lifestream is Tifa is just on another level. Personally I prefer Tifa to Aerith, but I can sorta get when people prefer Aerith over Tifa. What I will never get though is when people prefer for Cloud to be with Aerith, or even think it's a realistic possibility. Cloud and Aerith like each other in a deep platonic way, but Tifa and Cloud are just love personified. Aerith was a fantasy, Tifa is reality, that's how it's always been, but what a reality she is, I can't wait.


In the OG FFVII, for a significant chunk of the game Aerith had stole the show, and she was indeed my favorite of the two when I was a child, even though she was fated to die. Aerith was flashier and attention grabbing, whereas Tifa was just the girl next door and kind of flew under the radar. It's only when we get to late in the game (and also, when I matured out of childhood) that it is revealed just how important Tifa was. Her love endured long and hard and finally was able to be shown in the most dramatic and conclusive way in Mideel. She is like coming to a warm home after a terrible day. Even her theme song feels like that. So Tifa all the way for me as I am no longer a child. Having said that, nothing taken away from Aerith, and I can easily change my argument in favor of Aerith too. After all, Aerith's influence is more pivotal in saving the entire planet, she is an Ancient, and deals directly with Sephiroth, AND, she is the centerpiece of THE most saddest and shocking video game moment of all time. Absolute love to both Tifa and Aerith, it is very hard to decide between the two, it is a dilemma as complex as any dilemma that real life throws at you, and this difficulty of choosing between the two makes both characters so compelling and complex. The characters are really brought to life, and they were already rich in development in the OG to start with. What a rare gem these characters are, in a game just as rare. FFVII is our modern day masterpiece. Centuries from now, it will be regarded as among the great works of humanity like the Monalisa, Iliad, the Bible, Pachabel Canon D, etc. So glad to be alive at this time in history!


TOTP is a must read to really appreciate Tifa as a character.


Tifa is such an amazing character in rebirth, and I 100% agree with you that they elevated her far beyond what we got from her in Remake.

I also went through the same process as you, where Aerith was the better character in remake, and Tifa was the better character in rebirth save for the final 2.5 chapters of the game.

Aerith is my #1 favorite character in the trilogy so far (like you) but Tifa is definitely a close 2nd.

Cloud fights with Yuffie over them 3rd because she’s also a great and endearing character.

And people need to stop defining Tifa and Aerith by their relationship with Cloud. Their characters are amazing because of their own traits and not because of how well they fit as “love interests” (in what is an obvious by the book love triangle)


Its so true because i myself was leaning on Aerith but i grew to love Tifa more in Rebirth.


If you played the OG you know how important Tifa is to saving Cloud and breaking him out of this hold that Sephiroth has over him. This is why Sephiroth is actively trying to drive a wedge between them in this game.


9:39 I agree on that, even the fact that Tifa doesn't say a word to Cloud after Aerith dies... And she clearly needs a cuddle... That broke me, she didn't speak a word to him for the rest of the ending 😢


Shes always been the best female character in both Remake and Rebirth just in general for VII no debate to me ❤


I always believed that, no matter how hard Cloud tried to be Tifa's hero, she was always his hero as well, and he seems to notice that. She's the glue that keeps his sanity together. She even unknowingly saved his hide so many times in the Nibelheim Incident and asked Zack "is that infantryman okay? He was beat up pretty bad" to me it suggests that something was subconsciously keeping her protecting Cloud, even when she didn't know it was his . She's like the ultimate female superhero figure. Strong female figurehead.
