GraphQL is a translation layer #graphql #api #apigateway #apimanagement #softwaredevelopment
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GraphQL allows us to connect our presentation and application layers in a declarative, future proof way - using queries - while keeping the APIs we've already built. Every team's API can link to the work that other teams do.
GraphQL is a translation layer #graphql #api #apigateway #apimanagement #softwaredevelopment
DataLayer - GraphQL: Translating Backend Data to Frontend Needs with Sashko Stubailo, Meteor
GraphQL as a Data Layer for Your UI by Roy Derks
GraphQL as a Data Mesh Access Layer in Global Banking - Kenneth Stott, Hasura Inc.
The Hidden Cost Of GraphQL And NodeJS
The Right Size For GraphQL - Theo Browne, CEO Founder at Ping Labs
GraphQL and its schema as a universal layer for database access. Nikolas Burk, Connected Data London
Migrate your APIs to GraphQL: how? and why! by Guillaume Scheibel
Putting the Graph In GraphQL With The Neo4j GraphQL Library - William Lyon
GraphQL for Everyone - Danielle Man
All about GRAND Stack: GraphQL, React, Apollo, and Neo4j
GraphQL Is for Client Developers Not Client Applications - Michael Bleigh, Google
Building a GraphQL API Over Your Existing Backends - Martijn Walraven - GraphQL Day 2018
All about GRAND Stack: GraphQL, React, Apollo, and Neo4j - William Lyon @ ReactNYC
GraphQL - A query language to empower your API consumers - Rob Crowley
Transpiling GraphQL instead of writing customized server code - Mike Solomon @ GraphQL Europe 2018
GraphQL and REST: true BFFs - Dan Boerner / API World
Introducing and Scaling a GraphQL BFF
Webcast GraphQL at enterprise scale
Fullstack GraphQL: the GRANDstack – Will Lyon
Federating the Content Layer with GraphQL & Hygraph | Gijs Hendrix | The GraphQL Conf. 2022
Building A GraphQL Service Backed By Neo4j
What About the Database? How to Write Efficient Queries for GraphQL Resolvers (RYAN CHENKIE)
Neo4j Live: GraphQL Library 3.0 Release