Vendetta Episode 1 | Kan Cicekleri (English Subtitled)

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Vendetta Episode 1 | Kan Cicekleri (English Subtitled)

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Vendetta Episode 1 | Kan Cicekleri (English Subtitled)


Dilan and Baran's forced marriage due to blood feud turned into a true love over time.

On that dark day, when they crowned their marriage on paper with a real wedding, the brutal attack on the mansion separates Baran and Dilan from each other again. Dilan has been missing for three months. Going crazy with anger, Baran rouses the entire tribe to find his wife. Baran Agha sends his men everywhere and vows to find whoever took the woman he loves and make them pay the price. But this time, he faces a very powerful and unexpected enemy. A greater test than they have ever experienced awaits Dilan and Baran in this great war they will fight to reunite. What secrets will Sabiha Emiroğlu, who kidnapped Dilan, enter into the lives of the duo and how will these secrets affect Dilan and Baran? Will the bad guys or Dilan and Baran's love win?

Production: Unik Film / Rains Pictures
Director: Ömer Baykul, Halil İbrahim Ünal


Barış Baktaş - Baran Karabey
Yağmur Yüksel - Dilan Karabey
Nalan Örgüt - Azade Karabey
Erol Yavan - Kudret Karabey
Yılmaz Ulutaş - Hasan Karabey
Göksel Kayahan - Cihan Karabey
Gökhan Gürdeyiş - Fırat Karabey
Nazan Bayazıt - Sabiha Emiroğlu
Dilan Düzgüner - Havin Yıldırım
Ekrem Aral Tuna - Cevdet Demir
Dilek Güler - Cevriye Demir
Ekrem Aral Tuna - Cevdet Demir
Buse Bedir - Gül Soysal
Nuray Şerefoğlu - Kader Soysal
Oğuz Okul - Seyis Ahmet
Alp İlkman - Cevahir
Hacı Bayram Dalkılıç - Şair
Mertcan Öztürk - Harun

#vendetta #kançiçekleri #floresdesangre #bloodflowers #dilbar #baran #dilan #turkishdrama #barışbaktaş #yagmuryuksel #vendettakancicekleri #episode1
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Hello, I want to thank you so much for taking time to translate these and post these. I've been truly enjoying watching this series so much!


I’m really glad they brought the episodes back!! I felt so betrayed that they put the subtitled episodes on private bc I’ve been a fan of this series since it started airing in Turkey!! I was so mad that I unfollowed and unsubscribed to all their IG pages and YouTube channels unfortunately that’s all I could do. I’ll give them a few weeks to go back to them and see if they do that to us again


I love this movie so much, The Lord bless all the Turkish Actors


This series you will never get tired of watching. I love seeing Dilan and Baran they make a good pair


I’m currently watching latest episodes but I’m back here to start watching their story again and every time I watch them like I got goosebumps at 4:30 seriously look at them how far they have come in their is my fav Turkish show


For new viewers all i can say is to have patience and you will witness a wonderful performance of baris as baran and you will eventually forget its fiction... ....his acting skills are really unbelievable and its really amazing to watch an actor like him ....he is exceptionally talented and nobody gonna regret watching the as baran is a character made for him and I won't ever stop watching this series again and though the story is prolonged baran is enough to watch the series he is a god made character 🔥


Thanks to Vendetta for the English subtitles. Was amazed I was able to watch one through 150 in with English subtitles. Love watching special since I can read what they are saying. The best show to watch.


bruhhh Please bring back all the episodes.... I was totally indulged into this


I cannot count anymore how many times I replayed the Blood Flowers TV Series. I love it. And I love the characters of Yagmur and Baris, it;s regrettable that they are not husband and wife in real life.


I Highly recommend this drama. The actors and actresses of this are amazing in their acting skills. ❤ from Philippines 🇵🇭


Please upload them back, it was really good series 🥲


It's a very nice series. So disappointed to see it gone missing. I could watch it over and over again. Pls upload them back.


I have not finished it yet, there are many episodes but the thought that one day I am going to watch its ending frustrates me., 😭 Feels like a real thing, the slow mo, the awkwardness, it was like, you are witnessing something real, not something perfectly written and portrayed. I love this drama, I love the conflictions of heart between revenge and forgiveness.

The male lead, 😍😍 this man is a masterpiece. If it took many episodes for Dilan to fall in love with him, every episode I fell in love with this man.He didn't just knocked out my heart by his gorgeous looks but also by his greatness in owning his character. He was amazing.All his scenes were comfort to my eyes. He didn't portray dude he owned the character, and I love his character(minus the dragging, and gripping).I love him, it is the first time in history of Turkish drama that it didn't feel like a crime to fall in love to the Turkish male leading man.

Spoiler alert:

Baran is the strongest leader of the tribe, but even Adam needs Eve for his mental peace. Baran unexpectedly found this peace in his forced marriage, in Dilan. He found a partner, a companion, a rock. And this pained me, his family was putting the burden of revenge on his back, as if he had no right to be happy and move forward.As if, if he would choose to love Dilan, his parents would curse him, but it was the opposite. This drama has intense toxicity but the romance behind the curtain of the husband and wife balanced it. The romantic gestures, the sweet affection, the uncontrollable jealousy, the funny facial expression and actions, it was like a sneak peak to the imperfectly perfect love story of a true married couple.

The message:I love that they highlighted some Islamic teachings.This is not a typical, cruel gangster be like dizi, this is about the story of two individuals who sacrificed their own selves to prevent the bloodshed and it is a story that you will learn to love, and understand. 

watch it while still available on YouTube with eng sub. Let Baran Karabey drown you to the depthness of his expressive eyes and bring you to the actual scene of his vendetta.


Part of episode one I liked when Baran riding the horse and saw Dilan from the distance . And that’s the beginning of love.... the soundtrack is wonderful.


Please Bring back episodes with English subtitles, I watch every day or every other day.




Popular opinion: Love at first sight for Baran and dilan. Uhhh!! Dilan makeup, hairstyle and blue dress & cardigan looks too good on her. Çok güzel


Please guy's bring all the episodes back Please 🙏 Please guys don't leave us hanging like this i don't think that what you are doing is fair Please I'm begging you i have never ever watched a series as beautiful as this one after I've watched bride of istanbul Please Please give it back to the public 🙏 😢


Thank you for English subtitles ❤ that's how we learn Turkish 😊


I have started this for the 2nd time now, I cant get enough of this series ♥
