GREAT SIGN of September 23, 2017 - Revelation 12

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On September 23, 2017, the Great Sign is going to announce long-awaited verdicts in the High Court of Heaven--changing everything. Quickly, the Court will move into its sentencing phase--propelling the world into the age of judgment. The judgments have been specially designed for purging sin from the earth, preparing the nations for the arrival of the Kingdom of God. This "cleansing by judgment" will be sudden, massive and violent. Billions will die.

The purging characteristic of the judgments is what makes them "apocalyptic" in magnitude. This is a short—but very important—phase in the Lord's program to restore all things to an everlasting state of holiness.

Accordingly, the Great Sign is a heralding which has been designed to gain the attention of everyone. The nations will be given due notice that the day of the Anger of the Lamb is upon them.

In turn, the timing of the appearance of the Great Sign means the verdicts will be received in the High Court on the genuine day of the Feast of Trumpets.

The Great Sign will be centered over Jerusalem. As the day progresses, the sign of the Fiery Red Dragon will also rise into view. This will cause the heralding to stretch from horizon to horizon over a four-hour time-span.

The reason for a heralding on such a scale is that the actions of the Court are to profoundly alter the lives of everyone.

However, if we are to see the Great Sign, a special eclipse must take place. The eclipse—prophetically imaged at the crucifixion—will begin at high noon over Jerusalem, capturing the attention of the nations. The eyes of the world will be drawn to an unfamiliar and massive planetary system moving over the face of the sun.

Great terror will come upon the unrepentant. Multitudes will suddenly become open to the Gospel.

Without the darkness of an eclipse, the Great Sign cannot appear, meaning there could be no heralding.

But the heralding is ordered to be seen. It cannot be secret, otherwise it would not meet the legal standards for gaining the attention of all whose lives are to be impacted by the actions of the Court.

In turn, the Virgin Princess and the Fiery Red Dragon will perform their heavenly drama for all, imaging the evil deeds of Lucifer, which brought about the charges against him in the High Court, leading to this day of verdicts.

Ultimately, the charges were filed in response to the highest crimes ever committed against God and man.

This means the heralding announces something far more important than the rapture. The rapture is an act of grace in response to a Court scheduled judgment—just like the rescue of Lot and his family.

By order of the Judge of the High Court, the firestorm of Sodom was scheduled to occur at sun-up. As important as Lot’s rescue was, it was a secondary event in response to the looming, Court-ordered firestorm.

This is why we do not know the day or the hour of the rapture. It is an act of grace to rescue the Lord’s children before the arrival of a purging and massive, Court-ordered judgment.

Like the Great Sign, the book of Revelation is itself a duly ordered court instrument—a public court document—detailing how the court decisions on the Feast of Trumpets are to affect everyone.

Remarkably, it also details what we must do to prepare. All who call upon the name of the Lord will be rescued (Joel 2; Romans 10; Revelation 20, 21, 22).

Amazingly, to further insure awareness of the events of the day, there will be a third sign in the heavens, occurring thirty-three days before the Great Sign--giving the nations a good full month’s court notice.

This earlier sign is being billed as The Great American Eclipse. It is a solar eclipse in the early afternoon, on Monday, August 21, 2017—this is a date which turns out to be much about the future of the western world.

It will be the day of the most observed and most studied eclipse of all history, and although this eclipse circles half of the earth, it will only cross the United States of America—heralding the firestorm of the Apocalypse, which is to be poured out on Babylon the Great, which is New Sodom — the polluter of all things holy.

In one sense, the Great American Eclipse is the first heralding, or heads-up, regarding the apocalyptic events which are to quickly follow the Great Sign.

Court directed trumpet blasts will be blown for the entire month between the sign of the Great American Eclipse, and the two signs of the Virgin Princess and the Fiery Red Dragon.

These three heavenly signs, occurring immediately before and immediately after the month of trumpeting, will then converge with the Feast of Trumpets.

This coordinated convergence of multiple prophetic events means there is good reason to anticipate that the day has arrived for the fulfillment of 3,500 years of trumpet blasts.

The Lord Bless You with the Spiritual Eyes to See the Prophetic, the Heart of the Lion to Stand, and the Zeal of the Lord to Act.

James Muecke (say "Mickey")
Great Sign Channel on YouTube
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this is so well done. I have listened to all the Revelation 12 videos that I can find and this is the best. Fantastic teaching! what a blessing! I realize that you have added the scenario with the planet but it too is well explained. I am so ready to see Jesus and to hear he voice! thank you for all your work. I also appreciate that there is no fear mongering. All who call upon the Lord Jehovah and Jeshua shall be saved . Maranatha.


Most excellent video! I applaud you clean presentation of the facts. what 69829Dave failed to observe is the fact that never before in this earth age has this sign occurred exactly like this. True enough Jupiter goes through Virgo many times in the past but never with the other planets making up the full complement of the crown of 12 stars upon her head. Thank you I will be sharing this video with my loved ones and friends!


Exceptionally well done. The best video of Revelation 12 I have seen.


I am glad you haven’t deleted this video as I was looking for it like crazy! and couldn’t find it. I watched it like 4 years ago and this particular video of revelation 12 and the signs in the Heavens it’s the most powerful and best explained video in the whole YouTube! Thank you so much for posting it 5 years ago.


God bless and thanks for all your hard work.


Very well put together....Now is the time to be ready...Now is the time to surrender completely to the Lord forvever....Truly amazing how at this very moment, this is now at our DOOR...


Jesus Christ the King of Kings is alive and coming to rapture his church away any minute now.


Incredible. I cannot believe I didn't look into this in 2017


Good job old friend. I hope God uses this video not only to warn a luke-warm Church but to inspire the lost to be Born-Again through Jesus Christ.


The best on this subject I have seen up to now, thanks, great work, God bless you !!!


"I will make the sun go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in broad daylight." Amos 8:9


Praise the Lord for this most important message!


The video, along with the concise explanation below are overwhelming. I consider myself to be a pretty tough man. But this has put the fear of the Lord in me. Though not perfectly, I have served the Lord for 22 years. Never have I received such insight with such fear. I will continue to watch the videos and pray!


i love your Revelation 12 Great Sign video more than the others. i also learned a lot from your answers to comments of viewers. i am greatly looking forward to seeing that Great Sign, barely a month from now. truly The Holy Spirit has led me to your video. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.


I'm so glad that word is spreading about this coming alignment in Sept 23/ 2017. Great video and explanations!


This great sign occurred exactly 7, 000 years since creation:
The Antediluvian Period: 4984–3326 BC (MT; 1658 years)
The Unilingual Period: 3326–2796 BC (LXX; 530 years)
The Division of the Earth: 2796–2350 BC (LXX; 446 years)
The Akkadian Empire/Gutian Dynasty: 2350–2020 BC (330 years)
The Patriarchs: 2020–1805 BC (215 years)
The Sojourn in Egypt: 1805–1590 BC (215 years)
The Wilderness: 1590–1550 BC (40 years)
The Conquest of Canaan: 1550–1543 BC (7 years)
The Period of Judges: 1543–1093 BC (450 years)
The United Monarchy: 1093–976 BC (117 years)
The Kingdom of Judah: 976–609 BC (367 years)
The Babylonian Captivity: 609–539 BC (70 years)
The Medo-Persian Empire: 539–332 BC (207 years)
The Greek Empire: 332–140 BC (192 years)
The Hasmonean Kingdom: 140–63 BC (77 years)
The Roman Empire: 63 BC–AD 395 (457 years)
The Eastern Roman Empire: AD 395–637 (242 years)
The Islamic Caliphates: AD 637–1099 (462 years)
The Latin Crusades: AD 1099–1291 (192 years)
The Mamluk Sultanate: AD 1291–1517 (226 years)
The Ottoman Empire: AD 1517–1917 (400 years)
The Zionist Aliyot: AD 1917–1948 (31 years)
The Nation of Israel: AD 1948–2017 (69 years)
Total: 7, 000 years
"But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance."—2 Pe. 3:8–9
"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone."—Mat. 24:36


Thanks for a great Israel gave your link and i'm so glad he have an authorititive but calming voice and your presentation is full of facts and not just need to make another video dont know what on but but your knowledge and voice needs to be heard....god bless


AWESOME video brother!! May the LORD Jesus bless you and keep you! 😇


Question Gavin my friend....The Great Sign should occur at 10:30 am PDT in the US, or equivalent time of 8:30 pm Jerusalem time. It is night in Jerusalem at 8:30 pm. It would already be dark enough to see the sign without a celestial body causing a long eclipse. Your thoughts please.


Thank you so much for the video.
Few people have studied or understand the meanings of the jewish holy days to appreciate what will occur with these signs.
They are caught up with the easter bunny and halloween and valentine's day ....
This is AWE-SOME, AWE-FULL, information.
