Freakiest Randonautica Coincidences That Can't Be Explained - REACTION

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Freakiest Randonautica Coincidences That Can't Be Explained - REACTION

Hey guys! Today on my channel we are reacting to some crazy randonautica coincidednces that can't be explained! Have you ever heard of the app Randonautica? It's a huge thing on tik tok. Randonautica is an app that gives users a randomly generated set of coordinates after setting an intention. Randonauts then go on an adventure using the coordinates with their intention in mind. People are reporting some strange encounters and experiences while using the app, and sometimes, crazy coincidences!

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Hi, I'm Charlotte. I'm an actor, reactor, singer and sometimes (not really) comedian. On this channel I upload daily, usually 7 days a week, unless life gets crazy or I get lazy. Come hang out, it's a good time.

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The bench in the woods for the lady who’d lost her son was beautiful. Some of the others were pretty mind blowing.


My first, and so far only time randonauting freaked me out a little too much. I was in a really bad headspace and so my intention was somewhere quiet and secluded to die, and the coordinates it sent me to was a bridge in my hometown that had a string of bungee cords over the top with notes attached via clothespin saying things like “it’s not worth it” “depression is a cloud, I promise it will pass” “here’s my phone number, don’t do it, call me instead” etc.

Just... little too on the nose for my taste, for it to take me to a popular suicide spot.


I think “danger, do not open, you can be badly hurt” was pretty spot on for 2021!


It’s all fun and games until you find body parts in a suitcase...


Had a very similar experience years ago when a co-worker didn't believe you could manifest your thoughts. I let him pick what he wanted to focus on so that I couldn't influence the outcome in any way. He chose Betty Boop. That same day, another co-worker invited us to try out a new restaurant for dinner that none of us had been to before (we were a close-knit group and always going out together). We walked in to be greeted by a giant 5-foot statue of Ms. Betty Boop! I laughed so hard I almost couldn't breathe.


I did one for my grandma. Brought me to an American flag. Her birthday was 4th of July


Yeah but, is Randonautica truly random, or does it use your 'intention' and location to pick from a number of preselected locations. It might be interesting to experiment by having a group of people from the same area, give the same intention and see where the app points them. (Or maybe it has some way of pulling relevant info from Google maps, or whatever.)


I find this INSANE…. I downloaded the app after watching this video. My “intention” was just my old friends name. It brought me to the last place we ever went a hike on… perfect view of the moon. On my way to the destination… light poles were flickering above my car… like when I passed over about 3 of them they flickered above my car, not to mention the first song that came on in the car was a song he showed me. I saw multiple deer. Which was something we saw a lot of on our hikes… this shits crazy u can’t make this shit up


This kind of seems like a social experiment on how humans will try to find a meaning or will find a meaning within everything. Even if it is or isn’t true.


The one about healing past relationships, or however it was worded:
No Parking sign actually had a double and/or deeper interpretation
* Forgive yourself...obviously and awesome
* No Parking...move on, don't hang on to any part good or bad, take it in, accept it, forgive if needed and move on, carry nothing forward but the learning from the experience
"no parking/no lingering"



Finding random messages written on something can really change your mood, your day, your perspective. There was a campaign in my home city in Mexico, I don’t remember what was it for but there were yellow walls with a happy face painted on them and said “todo va a estar bien” which means “everything is going to be okay”. I was walking one day feeling very sad about something and looked up and saw one of those walls and it made me smile and feel a lot better.


Well done to the couple who wanted peace and safety and found that abandoned kitten, the universe obviously knew that kitten would find peace and safety with 😁


My 16 year old son and I tried it a few months ago. We used all 15 of our allotted searches, focusing each time on "something creepy". Most of the time the app directed us to cow fields, or places with no trespassing signs posted. We never found or saw anything even mildly interesting, much less creepy. But it was fun hanging out solo with my kiddo for a few hours.


I used to make rectangles (about 3' x 5'/8 x 13 cm) with inspirational sayings and matching small images on them (clipart, etc.). I would then stick them to the insides of the stall doors in the women's washroom where I worked. So, women going in had some good wishes to read while they used the facilities. I would switch them up every month or so.

I heard a few people say how much they enjoyed them. A couple people took the ones that they particularly enjoyed, which was OK; I just put new ones up. One time, I was actually using the washroom myself when two women read theirs to each other and had a happy discussion about it, so I got a smile too. No one ever figured out it was me :D


I only just saw this video, so I downloaded this app out of curiosity. First one was a dud because I didn't "set an intention". The second time I basically just thought "what job would make me happy and successful?" And it led me to a Jewelry Couture.
I've been making jewelry for about 2 years as a side job to pay for extra expenses. So this was weird as hell.


Last time my husband and I did this, we set our intention as history about our town, we were taken to a park, so we used google and found out that this park/golf course used to be a home to a russian who was a known bootlegger and killer in the early 1940's. After ww2, the site became aprison camp where prisoners would farm potatoes and cabbage for the city, in 1951.
We were definitely impressed on the city history we discovered!


The very first picture is from my old hometown Odense in Denmark - it's supposed to be a needle and a pin based on a fairytale of Hans Christian Andersen (Odense being his birthplace) - but to tell you the truth - no locals believe it's a pin and needle :-D :-D


The first time I went randonauting, I thought about 'friends'. It took me to the beach where a childhood friend of mine was lost in a storm. (They were never found)


Apocalypse is a Greek word that means "Revelation", not necessarily the end of the world.


It's a bit like astrology, you tend to notice when it seems accurate but pay less attention to when it doesn't.
