Our Dr. Benjamin

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How are Montrealers paying tribute to a doctor who has devoted her life to delivering thousands of high-risk babies while safeguarding the health of expectant mothers? Just in time for Mother’s Day, a committee of former patients are joining forces to honour maternal-fetal medicine specialist Dr. Alice Benjamin as she contemplates retirement after more than 40 years of service. The committee is launching a campaign in support of the Dr. Alice Benjamin Fund at McGill Global Health Programs and the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Des Montréalaises ont décidé de rendre hommage à une médecin qui a consacré sa vie à mettre au monde des milliers de bébés à haut risque tout en veillant à la santé des futures mamans. En cette fête des Mères, d’anciennes patientes s’unissent pour honorer la Dre Alice Benjamin, spécialiste en médecine fœto-maternelle, qui envisage de partir à la retraite après quarante années de service. Ce comité lance une campagne visant à appuyer le Fonds Dre Alice Benjamin au Programme de santé mondiale de McGill et au Département d’obstétrique et de gynécologie de la Faculté de médecine de l’Université McGill.
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She is my angle. Without her care I would not be a mother. type 1 diabetic for 17yrs old. Had my 1st little girl at 37yrs and my 2nd at 40. I have no words how to say thank you for being there for us.


She is my angel too! I has 5 miscarriages before I googled « best doctor in Montreal and her name showed ». I had molar pregnancy followed by chemo and had Asherman syndrome and incompetent cervix. I was told I would never have a baby. I was desperate until I found her. I was put to bed rest all my pregnancy in hospital and my son was born at 28 weeks in 2008, he is 9 years old today. She helped me complete my family and had my Sarah after bed resting in hospital for 3 months and half, Sarah is born on November 2012 at 32 weeks. Dr B as we all called her, would not only give her patient the best care, she would give the compassion, lift up our moral and keep us positive. No word can show enough my gratitude to the best Doctor ever in Montreal! Thank you from me and my family. Houda
