Things Girls Do That Guys Hate (Avoid THIS Mistake Women Make In Relationships!)

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I’m Mark Rosenfeld – Australia’s dating and relationship coach for women. This channel is all about helping you find, attract and keep the man you want through the values of personal growth, authenticity and high self-esteem. So, if you’re interested in dating advice and relationship advice that is focused on core confidence that makes you a better human, rather than games or tactics to ‘play’, start now by subscribing (link below) and getting your FREE download (link above)


Things girls do that guys hate (Avoid THIS mistake women make in relationships!)

A dating advice question I get asked a lot by women is "Mark, What are some Things Girls Do That Guys Hate? What mistakes women make in relationships? How can I avoid common mistakes girls make in relationships?"

Giving dating advice to women on things girls do that guys hate and mistakes women make in relationships is a very important part of being a dating and relationships coach. If you're doing things that guys hate to your boyfriend and make this common mistake women make in relationships, it's unlikely you're going to keep that man as your boyfriend! You want to avoid doing things girls do that guy hate and making mistakes women make in relationships so your connection with him stays passionate and last long into the future.

You don't want to lose your man by making a major mistake, and in this video, I'm talking about one major mistake women make in their relationship (a thing girls do guys hate) that could make him want to break up with you.

When a woman comes to me saying "Mark, What mistakes do women make in relationships? What things do girls do that guys hate?" my first thought is "Great question! This woman obviously understands that relationships are built on her efforts and the things she does and doesn't do. She's aware and knows that just like there are things SHE hates, there will also be things women do that men hate in a relationship and that she should avoid doing these things guys hate if she wants to keep her man.

In this dating advice video from Make Him Yours, I (Mark Rosenfeld, dating and relationship coach) am discussing one simple mistake women make in a relationship that guys HATE! I'll also discuss why this mistake is so tempting, how men view it, and a common objection I hear from women when I describe this mistake to them that makes them not want to correct it!

If you're finding your boyfriends or partners are losing interest, attraction or passion for you as the relationship goes on, it could be because you're making this one massive mistake women make in relationships - doing this thing that guys hate. This ONE thing is a MASSIVE turnoff for a guy and leaves him feeling incapable, while also leaving you feeling no longer attracted to him!

This dating and relationships advice video is my guide to helping you avoid doing the things girls do that guys hate and making this common mistake women make in their relationship.

If you want to avoid doing things guys hate and making this mistake women commonly make in a relationship, this is a video you MUST watch.

Enjoy the video guys! This is Mark Rosenfeld, dating and relationships coach from Make Him Yours 🙂

Please watch: "How To Have WAY More Fun On Dates & Stop Wasting Time On Dating"
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I totally agree with you on this, and that also explains why some men cheat on their extremely wonderful caring wives, with other women that don't do anything for them but instead, you'll find men doing everything for these women. Men by nature like to provide and protect and look after women, by women doing that to them all the time, it makes them feel less manly.


The other way around is the same. The "Daddy guys" make us feel kind of safe but after a while it gets annoying and who wants to have sex with Daddy? 😶


Best content ever! This needs to be shared, shared, shared!

I never heard that being too motherly was a big mistake until it was too late. This is especially hard for us women that struggle with micro-managing and obsess over everything running smoothly.
I believe it was possibly this, paired with repeatedly correcting my boyfriend's mistakes, that drove him away. I never knew how damaging my advice and helping was to his ego. I did these things out of love, but it clearly it was poison!
I hope more women come to know this so they can prevent unnecessary heartache.


mother cares for her child and a man also needs care from his girl. how to care in a manner not ressembling mother


was anyone else distracted by his arms or was that just me lol


Haha...."detrain the monkey" very true. I am raising my hand Mark. Guilty as charged. I've learned over the years to stop that behavior. It's only damaging to the male ego and totally ruins the chemistry in a relationship. I also had the problem of wearing my "Human Resources hat" with my ex husband. We both worked at the same university and he would complain about his job and coworkers all the time. He seemed miserable. Instead of keeping my comments to myself and just listen to him, I would try to help out by offering advice as I did in my day job as a human resource professional. I knew the people he worked with so I wanted him to succeed and work through the issues. There's so much that go into relationships. Many times we are coming from love and want to help our partners. But I guess the greatest kind of love is letting them do things their own way in their own time. Whether it's running an errand, picking up a child from school on time or working through an issue at work.


This is so enlightening! I'm thankful I found this video before being in a relationship! However, I feel like this is part of the reason guys never ask me out. I feel like they see me as a very innocent and motherly figure and not as a passionate lover! Thank you so much for helping me out and saving me grief in the future!


Omg I am mind blown.... and completely embarrassed :'(

It's going to take a while to get through this but I will definitely change my mothering ways 🙊

Thank you Mark!


It sucks that to let men grow and feel confident in their marriage/relationship others have to suffer in the process. It seems like a case of pride, thats all. They want to keep their pride at all cost.
The saddest, most disappointing part of all is that even when we let them figure it out by themselves it is our fault as women for not helping them and allowing them to look bad. So, in the end it is a lose-lose situation for most women.


LOL, That was super great acting! NEVER would I act like a mom. Here's a tip for guys: Never act like a baby. It takes the romance right out of a relationship.


Great ! I laughed with the ..mustard ! You are very precious Mark ...Thank you for all your secrets !


I am so guilty of this! The fact that I am a mom makes it even more difficult. I tend to take care of my man like my grandma did to my grandfather, and you are right, he was helpless without her. Thanks for the tip!


This is soooo true...this habit of mine broke my marriage because my husband became over dependent on me


Mark, you really got a point.
Honestly, i never thought about that suffer thing.


I agree, because I am a mother I definitely don't want an extra child. I don't even help my oldest son now that's 20 he'll figure it out. The 11yr old has 7 more years of my help then whatever happens is his responsibility.


Been in a relationship for 6 years and I did turn into a mother. He has the Peter Pan Syndrom and I NEVER realized it. You're 100% correct. There is no attraction anymore. He's just so comfortable with how things turned out that trying to change things now is impossible. No matter what I say or plead, he just stopped caring and is so confident that I will never leave him. He's dead wrong.


Hi love your videos. Can you make a video for recovering tips coming out of a verbal abusive relationship with a narcissist. Thank you 💜


Thank you Mark for explaining the mechanism in a more detailed way, which truly makes one understand. I have totally done this mistake in the past but stopped it (and got a lot of barking on me for it) and it didn't help in that relationship (ended now). I have also been thought being "father-ed" and I can for sure tell you that same mechanism applies to women as well. We are not THAT different after all. Thank you so much for this awesome video!


Oh my gosh..well this explains why the heck any sort of chemistry or passion died! I’ve done this too many times! And I always end up confused, in pain, and feeling rejected as a woman. They certainly stopped hinting at a future together after awhile. I was rejected sexually in the relationship, beyond “dating” even though I was a willing partner. They were already little boys in a mans body so they wanted my uber nurturing ways. From there, I see the game was over, the chase was gone. All I got was lonelier, sexually and emotionally frustrated but mostly mad at myself because I wasn’t sexy enough or whatever “enough”. I liked feeling nurturing and needed, but hated feeling like a mama to a grown man and I did lose respect for such needy guys if they seemed to only want that from me. I want a real man now as I’m learning how to be feminine but not motherly. If you’re a natural nurturer you have to rein that in it sounds like! Now I see exactly what happened! Light bulb moment Mark..thank you SO much!! Love your messages!!👏


My boyfriend suffers from ADHD so we use lists! It saves me from having to nag or remind, gives him the power to choose and allows us to capitalize on our time! Works about 80% of the time :)
